Prayers needed


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2009
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I know I have not been around this forum for all that long, and have not been a real regular poster. Yet, I feel I know many of you, so am asking for some prayers from my colleagues.

I go in for breast cancer surgery on Tuesday. Good news is, the lump is small (2 cm or less) and we believe we caught it very early. (Hubby found it - he says God made boobs appealing to men so women will get regular breast exams, BECAUSE WE DON'T DO IT OURSELVES. He's right; I wasn't self-examining.)

It's been exactly a week since he found the lump. Monday I made the call, Tuesday I had a Dr. appt. Went right from the clinic appt. to the hospital for a mammo, then an ultrasound, and then a biopsy. Got the news the following day, Wednesday. By then I already was prepared for the result. Thursday I had an initial appointment with the surgeon and could have had the surgery already yesterday! But it was going a little fast for me. The surgeon still didn't have the final pathology report from the biopsy, and I still hadn't had a chance to register this situation or do any research on it. So we delayed the surgery until Tuesday - still an amazingly short time from when we got the diagnosis.

So it will be a lumpectomy and they will take a couple of lymph nodes for analysis. If the cancer cells have traveled there, they'll remove all the lympth nodes in the region, I'll stay overnight, and we'll know chemo is in the future. If the sentinel lymph nodes are clear, I'll go home the same day and will just have some radiation treatments to look foward to.

We feel optimistic and positive. But with cancer, you just never know. I will take any prayers that are offered. But I continue to live by the prayer my mother embroidered into a plaque that hung in her entry (and now hangs in mine):
"Lord, help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that, together, You and I can't handle."

Thanks, everyone. And ladies, do those self-exams!!!
sorry i dont know your first name but so sorry you have to go through this. My prayers are in cyber space as we speak travelling over the pond, specifically asked that your op goes well and that all of the cancer is gone. Second request is that if it is not that you get through the chemo well...

My aunty had breast cancer about 10 years ago and did have to have chemo, lost her hair and everything and all that. Got the all clear five years ago and is a very fit lady now. Just wanted to share that success story with you. She was very positive throughout it all.

God bless xx
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Annette -

Of course our best thoughts as well as our prayers for you and your family. I am sure you just want it OUT!

How wonderful that this came in July, I know your'e doing the shop yourself - good timing on your hubby, I can't even count how many women I know who had the same thing, it's often the husband who makes the initial discovery, (hmm, I'm due for a check-up!)

All kidding aside, isn't it wonderful to have this extended family? As you well know you can, give me a shout if there is something I can do to help while you recover, if nothing else, you or your hubby can call me to fill an emergency order or whatever. 651-455-7764

You'll go into the prayers at church tonight as well - kisses and hugs too!
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Thanks, everyone! I knew I'd get support here!

Palms, it's Annette.

Linda, thanks so much for the emergency offer. We'll see if I need it. MANY friends have offered to watch the shop on Tuesday while I'm at the hospital. Many others have said they'll stop over in the week or two after, to see if I need a break (or a nap). :) I'm grateful.

I know all things happen for a reason. I many not know for a long time (if ever), the reason for this. Maybe it's meant to teach me something. Maybe to teach others something. Or maybe it's just to let me know how many, many friends I do have. (For that, I am grateful.)
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Prayers and hugs from my corner of the world. I, too have a success story to share. My older sister recovered beautifully from her breast cancer; they removed a few nodes, she had chemo and radiation; lost her hair but refused to cover her head -to her it was proof that she beat the cancer and she wanted everyone to share in her joy!
Best of luck and try not to worry -what will be, will be and worrying won't change a thing.
I'll be rooting for you on Tuesday!
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Prayers from Toronto, too.

Oddly (and scarily) enough, you're the second friend of mine within a week to have this procedure. The one Thursday went right according to plan. Praying yours will too!

And guys - she's right. Ladies need the exams, but so do we. Ours just aren't nearly as much ... fun? Still no excuse to dodge it.
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Annette, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Tell your hubby "good catch" and yes, too many of us don't do self-exam. Postive attitude is uptmost..... Hugs....
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My mum just went through a similar situation.
Last August, she went for a mammogram and they found a small lump.
She had surgery and a few lymph nodes removed.
Lymph nodes were clear. She went in for a second surgery two weeks later as a precaution to take a larger amount out around the original incision.
She had 3 chemo treatments, lost her hair, but never her great attitude.
She had 16 radiation treatments and now she is fine!

I hope you have a similar success story and wish you the best of luck!
Annette... all good wishes for a successful conclusion to this journey. Please keep us posted.

Hugs to you and thanks to your husband for his attentiveness.