All these recent posts by FS people are again very counter productive, including the "planted" MAS bashing post on floristboard, which was like TOO TOO obvious, guys. One would think a company who has eye to the future would maintain a bit more professional decorum than I hear recently.
After DOMINATING this board since its inception, it's just a darn shame that it would go from the flowersoft board to more of a MAS supporting board. This sounds a bit like Peter Plumley who openly showed his jealousy of success, after hammering us over and over and over again to join him, and when we didn't, well...sour grapes abounded, didn't they? People all looked at Peter's product, chose something bigger and better, hmmm, and he got M-A-D. Became a case of enuf is enuf. Familiar?
Ryan's tolerance with this situation including personal attacks is admirable, and with each renewed one, you just put more egg on your own face.
Yet it's kind of amusing to keep it up.
By the way, MAS rocks, nothing "Soft" about it!