profit question

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New Member
Nov 27, 2003
State / Prov
Someone searched the FlowerChat Real Florist Blog for the following information...

"list of questions to gain profit on florist shop business"

Would any one care to submitt an answer for them?

You may post here or "PM" mlou...
I don't know profit, since we keep our own books and have no POS, but I do know:

Projected Gross this year: 200K

More info that might help you with your stats:
City population: 20K
Years in Business: 3.71
Total Employee hours a week - 25
Wages paid - $7.50 an hour
Advertising spent this year (roughly) - $2200 (Web, phone book, other)
Rent $1000 a month

I could probably give you profit, but I'd have to add up all the COG and overhead, but I save that for the end of the year. Since we are still growing and are buying more to grow, we hit as close to the red as we can to avoid taxes of course, so our profit has been low.
Why give my info while other will probably not? All I can say is, I must be naive and just a country boy.

Hope this helps Mlou, I know you have helped me in the past. :)
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