Prom Time


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
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Hi All, I am new to FlowerChat and I hope to become friends with all of you. I have a two fold question for all of you..... It's Prom time here in Texas, and as I embark on corsages, I began to think last night to ask all of you....

Which do you like better for wristlets... wire or glue?
How early do you think I can start on them? Is Thursday too early for a Sat. morn pick up?

ok... I cheated... 3 part question..has anyone made an arm corsage out of wire to be worn on the upper arm? I have to make one, and I am not scared just wondering if I would be better off using a garter or wire.

Thanks bunches for your input.
I am perfectly comfortable making wrist corsages as early as tuesday, keeping in mind, good fresh blooms and clear crowning glory or oher transpirant use...if I am using orchids cymbs especially, I would be very very comfortable with making those up to a week in advance without worries...I have never done this, but if push came to shove and I was looking down the barrel of 400 wristlets those could realistically bedone that early...

As for corsages and bouts, I glue 90% and wire 10% over all, there are just some things that I feel more comfortable about wiring, but not much...almost all my bouts are wired at least partially, but with the magnets that may also be a thing of the past..

View attachment arband.bmpas far as an arm band, you can use wire, Fitz also makes an uper arm cuff, but the girl would need to be average size teen or smaller, it is adjustable but not as adjustable as can also do a garter, but I think those seem a bit boyish rather than girly...the armband made above was made from oasis wire then the alstro was binded on with boullion wire and feathers were cold glued onto there also..

I hope you enjoy your time here, most of us have found this to be a home away from home and there is a whole lot of great creative minds to hash things over with here, and we all understand where your troubles and joys come from...
Hi Donna..

I start making mine on Wednesday. I put them in a plant box and spritz them with water so they can still drink and put them in a plastic bag. On Friday evening, we box them for pick up.. spray them with a Finishing Touch. They last beautifully.

I glue all my wirst corsages.. If I am using a large flower, I add additional wire because I don't want it to pop off.. big fear in my head. I wire my bout and glue accent to them.

I have made a wire for an armband and have used the Fitz premade.. Like Lori said, they can be adjusted to fit, but 100_0443.jpgnot too large of an upperarm.

Here is my facebook page.. I have a nice gallery of prom stuff there. Rose Armband.jpg
We use glue most of the time. I am entirely jealous of those of you who can start making them days in advance. Most of our orders only come in 2 days before. Can't even prep wrist bands and ribbon in advance because there are so many choices, you can be sure we'd choose all the wrong colors.

We have a prom tonight and folks are still coming in to order.
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Thank you to everyone that responded! Karen, your pictures on your facebook page are just beautiful!! I am so jealous of talented people. I wish I could get an armband by tomorrow, but no such luck, neither of my wholesalers sell them! I just judging from responses... Glue wins! I hope I don't sniff too much glue tonight and tomorrow!
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The one arm band was made with the thicker wire.. I put curls in the wire where I wanted the flowers then made a with bullion wire and attached that with wire for a pad to glue the flowers.

I hope that you have the Oasis cold glue that works the best at holding everything in place.

I hope that helps.

Thank you for your kind remarks about my work.. Now I just need to find some for my proms who can creat pieces of art.
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My favorite tip for working with the tubes of floral adhesive - lube up the tip and the cap with a squirt of leaf shine/Pokon when you open the tube and before you close it to keep the cap from permanently gluing itself to the tube.

Sprout- I could kiss you for that tip!!!! Right on the lips!
We just got our first tube of the clear corsage glue from Milton Adler, holds as well as the Oasis yellow glue, I'm sold!

Not looking forward to prom season this year, we have a gal leaving us next week, and right before prom, Secretaries Day and Mother's Day!