It goes to cover the cost of them randomly ordering bouquets from florists each month so that they can be evaluated on quality, how much it looks like what was ordered, etc., so that they can ensure every florist is following their code of conduct. Upon completion of the evaluation, a florist was supposed to get some sort of certificate they could proudly display saying they were a quality florist or some other BS like that. And, if you failed the test, you were given info. on how you could improve. After so many strikes, I believe, you were supposed to be kicked out. That's just my take on it. I am no longer TF, but I was for a few years after they implimented the program. I was NEVER tested. NEVER. It was supposed to offset the cost of implimenting such a program. Hello! Shouldn't that only cost about $75/year (the cost of ordering one bouquet from you and writing down how the recipient liked it)?! I believe someone in a post from long ago stated that it was really to cover a budget shortfall but disguised as something that would make florists feel like TF was truly concerned with only allowing quality florist to be members.
Can you tell I'm still infuriated by it? No wonder I'm not longer with them...