I just quit 800-flowers in april...still in the process actually, but I can guarantee you that I will win with an effective date of April 30 2010 because there is no way in he double hockysticks they can say otherwise...
I sent mt resignation letter, certified mail, I sent out an email with my intentions and my last date of membership to eacharea rep, each dept head, vp and pres...anyone who called me on the phone,I took notes and let them know I would follow up our conversation in email format so that I had record of it....I also asked them to respond in email so that they couldn't say they never got it...I just made sure that all parties knew I was keeping good records of my communications, that way there could be no funny stuff and if there is I will be able to have a leg to stand on...
Good luck in your journey, it may be long, but with preparation and records you will survive and thrive!!!