Quotes to balance...Ryan. ;)

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
While reading the Free Press this morning, the Viewpoint section immediately caught my eye.

The following should balance out, somewhat, the "political" discussions earlier...

"I don't know. A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof and when you have a good proof it's because it's proven. " Prime minister Jean Chretien, in an awe-inspiring display of verbal dexterity when asked about what would constitute proof of an Iraqi buildup.


"The wonderful thing about Canada and the United States is we probably have two of the most inarticulate leaders in the western world, so figuring out what either of them is trying to say is a challenge." Chris Sand of the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies.

Enjoy the rest of the day and :D

Thanks ... I finally found a transcript of the "proof is a proof" speach and added it my signature yesterday. I wanted to quote it accurately, as it is SO stupid it's nearly impossible to remember verbatim.
With regard to your quote of Johnny Cruton's speech I'd like to quote my mother..... "I don't think that man has a brain!". It is unfortunate that Canada will have to suffer the upcoming consequences til Feb 04 while we wait for something to happen so Johnny Cruton can claim it as his legacy; I also believe that our neighbours to the South are in the same boat.
It reminds me of what our current PM said when he was in the Middle East (Quote to come) he managed to insult both sides in the Middle East debate. Canadians might remember how he and a number of Liberal Senators complained about the GST and the shameful show they put on in the Senate, then once he's elected he goes to the next Commonwealth meeting the next year, (94)and took credit for it, and was proud his government brought the tax in. It's not hard to figure out why our Canadian political stock doesn't rise in Washington these days. PM Tony Blair from England isn't a republican but works in partnership with President Bush, because he understands the greater picture, and what is needed, Our Canadian government should be doing the same, and not be bogged down in politics.

Just my opinion.
Originally posted by Rock
With regard to your quote of Johnny Cruton's speech I'd like to quote my mother..... "I don't think that man has a brain!".]

Hugh, of course he has a brain....actually he has two....one is lost and the other is out looking for it. ;)
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