Rainbow Roses Available Direct (For Valentines)...

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New Member
Mar 2, 2006
Grand Rapids
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Peter van der Werken: the Creator of the Rainbow Rose now has the Rainbow Roses available direct. There have been many people asking me how to get them and have been frustrated not being able to get them in their local markets.
Peter decided to create an option for anyone to buy them in 20-40-60 stem boxes... the landed product is about 4.50... and there is a unique article on his website about a Florist in England selling the Rainbow Roses for 19.98 British Sterling Pounds a STEM... (that's about $60.00 US...) talk about great marketing!

I just wanted everyone to aware that they could have them in store for the Valentine Holiday or any special orders...

Here is the link to the page on his website...

Hope this is helpful to those of you that want to try Rainbow Roses that the Consumer is Loving so much!

Kind Regards...

not really sure about what their money calculates out to.

If the $325,00 is really $325.00, that makes them almost 6.00 a stem....could this be correct??

We would have to sell them at 18.00 each or 216 dollars a dozen
This picture really turned me off.....

Peter van der Werken: the Creator of the Rainbow Rose now has the Rainbow Roses available direct. There have been many people asking me how to get them and have been frustrated not being able to get them in their local markets.
Peter decided to create an option for anyone to buy them in 20-40-60 stem boxes... the landed product is about 4.50...
I just wanted everyone to aware that they could have them in store for the Valentine Holiday or any special orders...

Here is the link to the page on his website...

Hope this is helpful to those of you that want to try Rainbow Roses that the Consumer is Loving so much!

Kind Regards...

I have been interested in getting some of these roses to send them to the Media, but I got to say that this picture http://www.happy-roses.com/photogallery/rainbow_roses/ has really turned me off.
If the $325,00 is really $325.00, that makes them almost 6.00 a stem....could this be correct??

No, the landed price would (should) be cheaper.

We would have to sell them at 18.00 each or 216 dollars a dozen

I would't price those items by simply multiplying the cost. Instead, I'd add a certain dollar amount to the cost.

Say, for regular roses, you pay $1 and sell at $4 (make $3; x4 multiple).
For rainbow roses, you pay $4 and sell at $10 (make $6; x2.5 multiple).

In dollar terms, you make more money by selling rainbow roses than regular roses.

Another example...

Our restaurant sells some soup for $1; the cost is 10 cents (x10 multiple).
We also sell some wine for $50; the cost is $25 (x2).

Which one, soup or wine, would you rather sell?
We've ordered the Rainbow roses from Virgin Farms and paid about 3.50 a stem plus shipping, non holiday. They give you a small price break on larger quantities, but not much. Most of the roses come out very nice looking, others look dry and damaged. We did corsages for a large Mardis Gras themed party and they loved them. We had leftovers in our cooler and people were amazed but no one bought them, you really had to turn on the charm to sell them unless it was for a special occasion like ours.

A PM from Peter

I have been interested in getting some of these roses to send them to the Media, but I got to say that this picture http://www.happy-roses.com/photogallery/rainbow_roses/ has really turned me off.
I did get a PM from Peter with several links to pictures of their Rainbow Rose that looked very, very nice.....I am sure that he will find out who took that picture and/or posted it and get them some new glasses.
About Rainbow Roses

Hello, my first post on FlowerChat. Feels exciting...

Very interesting to read about the Rainbow Roses. In Europe we named these Happy Roses, however I feel as if Rainbow Roses fits much better...

Please may I explain :
We arranged that we can send directly to florists because we got a lot of questions of florists where to buy these Rainbow Roses. The problem is that it is quite an expensive method to make these flowers and that customers just want small quantities : it is very exclusive, very special. So a wholesaler does not yet have Rainbow Roses in stock. To solve this problem we decided to try to transport Rainbow Roses directly from our nursery to florists. If a florist would ask his wholesaler to have some Rainbow Roses in stock, he can buy cheaper than directly at us, because than a wholesaler can transport for example 100 or 200 Rainbow Roses. I think for us it would be much more attractive if wholesalers would create small stock so that florists can buy at theire regular flower supplier.

About the Rainbow Roses we export : we cooperate with a Dutch exporter who has license to export. And allthough the process for making Rainbow Roses is rather expensive, most cost are export-handling and transport cost, especially for small quantities.

For Valentines the Rainbow Rose is running quite well in Europe, see for example :
or :
(last year the Rainbow Roses were Breaking News, worldwide, however the production was not yet ready for that so Rainbow Roses were almost not available).

Even sometimes I cannot believe that this rose is so unique that florists can sell it at this unique high price level. However, it is a unique flower and a lot of people want to buy something that is new or that other people cannot buy.

Personally I think that just a dozen Rainbow Roses is not the nicest way for consumers to buy Rainbow Roses. The creativity of florists is very important to make an unique arangement using Rainbow Roses. Also because the leaves are also little bit colored, which you will not see in an arangement or bouquet. And then, in the arangement, you have a perfect eye-catcher.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to post my opinion, wish you all the best and very good floral business, hope you will be creative with Rainbow Roses and make money with these.

Kindest regards, thanks for taking time reading this,

Peter van de Werken,
inventor/creator of the (Real) Rainbow Rose,
feel good, feel happy !

By the way, we use natural food-coloring pigment which does not affect the vase life. The flowers will open the same as all other roses will open.

Nice link, unfortunately not translated to English :
Rainbow Roses introduced in Brasil : national news item

My question :
How to introduce Rainbow Roses in media in the USA ?

If you are interested in some more links, which might be interesting for you to help making money with Rainbow Roses in USA, or get media attention (I hope), please let me know. Or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to post them. Thanks in advance.
Introduce Rainbow Roses

My question :
How to introduce Rainbow Roses in media in the USA ?
Thanks in advance.

Have a florist make enough vases of Rainbow roses to give everyone in the audience of the Oprah show. Once something is showcased on "O's" show/magazine, you are in like flint (American slang).
Rainbow roses

Have a florist make enough vases of Rainbow roses to give everyone in the audience of the Oprah show. Once something is showcased on "O's" show/magazine, you are in like flint (American slang).

I like people who think outside the box. This would certainly get the attention of most everyone in the U. S. if you were able to pull this event off. I have found that nothing is imppossible if you are willing to go for it.
Carol Bice
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