Red-Black Rose

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New Member
May 10, 2004
Piedmont, SC USA
State / Prov
A bride has brought me a photo from the internet of a red rose with black edges (not dead!!). I've used Black Magic roses before, but she says this is not a Black Magic. The photo is very blurry, but the center petals of the rose and the edge of each petal are so dark that they look black. There is a sllight gradation of color to bright red. The photo is of an almost fully opened rose.

I just know that one of you will know the name of this rose so that I can begin seaching for a supplier. Thanks ahead of time!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :iwuvyou:
A black Baccara doesn't gradiate to bright red. The rose she showed you, I would bet, is a Black Beauty. A Black Beuaty is the darkest red rose I've seen open, but the edges are that bright red and when they come in tight, they will decieve you as to how black they get when they open.

Here is a pic:

In a second consultation, the bride called the rose a Black Beauty. Local wholesalers said they had never heard of it, so I ordered the Black Baccarra. This has been a wonderful bride and family with whom to work...I surely hope the Black Baccarra looks black enough. The bride was more interested in the blackness of the rose than in the redness of it. This is also a very prominent family who came to us via recommendations from their friends. The bride's mother said they were not even considering another florist. I really want to please this family, so I'm going to re-check with wholesalers again today.
Connie. my flower shop has a standing order every week for these two types of roses. The Black Baccara will be dark enough for sure. The Black Beauty is a lot smaller, so plan on ordering more. My wife's favorite rose is the black beauty. Ironically we ordered 525 Black Beautys this week for a wedding.

It's always GREAT when a bride is easy to work with.
Dazeal said:
Connie. my flower shop has a standing order every week for these two types of roses. The Black Baccara will be dark enough for sure. The Black Beauty is a lot smaller, so plan on ordering more. My wife's favorite rose is the black beauty. Ironically we ordered 525 Black Beautys this week for a wedding.

It's always GREAT when a bride is easy to work with.
Thanks for your help, Dazeal. Though this wedding is rather small, I'm returning early from a trip to personally finish it and set it up. The bride's father is the editor of the local newspaper, so I really want to make this family happy. They have been so nice about everything that I'm really going out of my way to make them happy. I work hard for every wedding and try to please, but when the family is as nice as this one, the pleasure in pleasing is greater. :)

parie said:
i agree, probably black baccarat, much like black magic but darker. also a good link for looking up colors of roses is hit the english button and then the varieties button and you can search a name of a rose, or search by color
good luck


I went to this site. When I clicked on the "varieties," it came up in blocks that I can't read. I would love to get the information that is on that site. Is there another way I can get it?
Dazeal said:
Connie. my flower shop has a standing order every week for these two types of roses. The Black Baccara will be dark enough for sure. The Black Beauty is a lot smaller, so plan on ordering more. My wife's favorite rose is the black beauty. Ironically we ordered 525 Black Beautys this week for a wedding.

It's always GREAT when a bride is easy to work with.


My favorite two roses are the Baccaras and the Black Beauty also. I also love the Suzienne (spelling)(?). It's a beautiful pink. But more I love the way it opens. It has such a sweet and romantic look to it.
I think I know the rose you are talking about... I think it is named after the famous painter, Paul Cezanne. I love these roses too, but they seem to open quickly, but hold their form. Customers see the roses to choose from and see a tight rose and one that opens faster, they always choose the tight rose, even when I explain they last about the same.

Here is a pic I found of a Cezanne:

If you like a pinkish type garden rose, I would try the Latin Ambience. This rose opens like a fat English garden rose.

Here is a pic:

Another garden rose that opens fast that holds its form that I truley adore is the Fancy Amazon.
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