Ronda Nedelec Intro

Ronda Nedelec

New Member
Dec 3, 2011
State / Prov
My name is Ronda Nedelec. My best friend Rhonda Hoffman and I were the founders of Best Buds Flower Co. in Edmonton, Alberta. (yes, that's 2 Rhonda's). She worked there full time and managed all of the operations whereas I was a silent partner, helping offsite given I had another job as a partner in a local advertising agency. It enabled me to support our business as a "client". Our company developed the logo, and handled all of the marketing for Best Buds Flower Co. We took a broken little flower shop and turned it into a very successful business and ultimately sold it to our #1 girl, Kimberly Wagil, who still runs it today. I still support Best Buds Flower Co. and we just finished developing a brand new website for Kim at Now she can manage the website herself and all of her business is run through a backend content management software (CMS system). I love the flower business and love supporting it with my strengths and skill set.
Welcome to the zoo Rhonda... glad you stumbled across us...
