selegance Intro

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New Member
May 28, 2008
New MIlford
State / Prov
Answering these questions is mandatory for new applicants:
- What is your website address?

- How long have you been in business? 2 yrs

- Do you have any formal floral education? yes

- How were you referred to FlowerChat? search

- What do you hope to gain from membership? contact, referrals, informal education, expertize from more experienced florist

- What do you feel you can contribute to the community? fresh ideas

- Do you operate from a commercial building or your residence? residence
Hi selegance and thank you for your interest in Flowerchat. I see that for the moment you operate from your home. A couple of questions if you don't mind... are you a fresh flower florist and where do you see your business going in the next few years?

Hi and welcome,

Just a few more questions....

You say you operate out of your home, Do you have a business licence to do so??

Do you have a full studio setup with a cooler and neccesary flower care items??

Do you do everyday work or just occasional bridal stuff?

Are the pictures in your portfolio stock images or your own work??
Hi and Thank You for your interest in Flowerchat.

As Flowerchat, in my opinion, is geared toward professional, property tax paying, brick and mortar members, I was curious as to what someone working from the home could bring to this forum.

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