Shoot me or let me drink bleach and put me out of my annoyance

Simon Says

New Member
Apr 1, 2011
State / Prov
New Jersey
We use Teleflora Dove. Never up-graded despite from 2007 their propaganda declaring DovePlus to be the next best thing in the floral industry for technical applications et cetera.

Earlier this year, TF monthly statement says we'll be charged legacy fees if we have not switched by July. Look at all the advantages DovePlus offers and the change will cost you nothing. Call us and arrange an install.

I call. Am offered an install, over the 'phone, in July. Why, I ask back in mid April, does it take that long and you will also charge me legacy fees despite me calling 11 weeks before the implementation of these? We're so busy making all the switch overs to thousands of florists is the retort. A disconnect here I say as the letter from your VP of Operations states "...a very small number of shops have opted not to upgrade to DovePlus...". Oh is the comment from down the line, wait a moment....yes, we can fit you in for a switch on May 6th. Hmmmm, that will not work as it is the Friday of Mother's Day week-end and a busy Prom period for us as well. All right, how about the 18th, at Noon. Done I say.

Come the day, come the hour.....TF tech phones, 10 mins late, I let her have remote access after I ask if there is anything I should know about before proceeding. I am advised that there is not and it is straight forward et cetera. The installation is done and all looks fine.

On the 19th I notice " Firewall Off". On this computer are particular pieces of information, such as credit card info., that I have protected with Firewall, Virus protection et cetera. Typical TF, the management do not give a @@@@ and so this attitude filters down. Asked if there is anything I should know, not once am I told computer settings will be changed. Whether the change is pertinent or not, it is the lack of responsibility, decency and simple manners that annoys and infuriates.

I call tech service. Oh we do apologize I am told. I state that I am not looking for a trite apology, I've heard them too many times. I am looking for the reason for not being informed of the change to my Firewall setting because it is not one I sanctioned. We have to make these changes I hear again. I respond that whether you have to or not is not the issue, you did not advise me that you believe you need to and therefore will make the change and I want to know why I was not told.

A supervisor is going to call me back.

And then I claim I sent off the termination letter chiefly because off $s. Sometimes, I wonder if I am being honest with myself on that point!
Well, Simon Says, the title of your thread grabbed me right away because when I came and sat down, that's just the way I was feeling.

Actually, I had not considered the bleach.

The good thing for you is, there is documentation so if a security breach happened, it's on them. I think. I had an "expert" leave my website unlocked once, and I had an "expert" take the hosting away from my website. I tend not to trust many people anymore except Strider, they've never screwed anything up.
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In many ways the TF experience I refer to is not a break of trust for, in truth, I think that wall was breached at least months ago by TF.

What I object to is the lack of manners and their feeling of superiority. We, TF, will do this and any ramifications for the florist, sod them. If necessary, trot out the phrase "We do apologize", said with all the acting skill set of a flea when it comes to sincerity.
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Simon...The reason, I believe, that TF has that stance is because so many florists they deal with don't know squat about computers and most of the time it is like they are speaking a different language...and I believe this because I know quite a bit more than your average person when it comes to computer installs and network etc..and have been met with way more than my fair share of idiots at TF that had no idea what they were doing and shut stuff down that if I was an idiot along with them would have left my computer and info unprotected...I once called to let them know I thought I might have a virus and they wanted me to reboot...if it was a virus and they didn't know what kind they were dealing with it could have wiped my computer, it certainly under no circumstances would have made a virus dissappear, so I stopped trusting TF a long long time ago...and when something didn't sound right or feel right, I would escalate and then get the hubs a computer network engineer on conference call so that he could tell them how wrong they were...I on many occasions had duelling remote logins with my husband schooling them on how to do things on the computer...
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Supervisor did call back. She had, apparently, not been informed the reason behind the request to call me - odd at the very least, in my opinion.

Between the "I do apologize" phrases that were used, I was told that staff are asked to consult with florists regarding issues such as Firewall switch offs or other potentially important settings and the super. will inquire as to why I was not asked or even told. As it happens, DovePlus can and does function with "most" Firewall settings functioning so, to Lori's comment, another piece of incorrect technical information from (some at) TF, the issuers of DovePlus. Does all seem to stem from poor management.