shortcandle1000 Intro

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New Member
Sep 21, 2009
Mill Creek
State / Prov
At the present time I am developing my product line and my website. I have a short story that will be published soon and I would like to package this story with several components based around a floral arrangement. I do not have a formal floral education, but I am working with several others who do.

I found FloralChat while searching the web and I would like to gain knowledge about products I can incorporate into mine to complete the look I want.

At this time I am presently looking for help from the community, but I hope to be a contributing member in the future. I am presently working out of my home.
New Member

Hello everyone,
I am very new to the Floral design industry, but I have been thinking about this idea for a number of years. It is time to get to work. I have a short story that I am getting published and I would love to design a floral arrangement to sell as a package. There are so many fantastic products out there it is hard to sift through it all. I am having fun experimenting and refining the design. I can grow just about anything, but figuring out what would be a great product to put on a shelf is more challenging. I work out of my home between raising 3 boys, 2 dogs, 1 husband, and lots of flowers. Looking forward to getting to know others here,
Did I miss it or what? Your web address is.....? I really don't understand,your wanting to send flowers with your book sales? So your not a florist I take it.
Denise, this is a forum for professional florists. I don't believe this is a place for your line of work. Thank you for your interest. You may find interesting for developing a "floral design" to accompany your story.
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