Side Effects flowers

Side Effects

New Member
Mar 25, 2008
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Hi, I'm Tracy Goodman, owner & head designer of Side Effects Flowers. I have been in the flowers business for over 25 years & have been in every aspect of the business. I started in a mom & pop shop in Enciino, California sweeping floors & making bows, and have been in the business ever since. I have been in the grocery end, have had a shop in the Denver metro area, which I just closed in 09 & I have now change my business once again. I have built a 700 square foot studio on my mountain property in Idledale Colorado, and I am changing my business to the internet. I have always been the creative end of my business & the computer world is somewhat new to me. I am hoping to gain some knowledge from you all, and I hope to be able to give some as well. Thanks for your time.
Warmest regards,
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Do you have a website address yet, Tracy?

You say you closed your shop in 2009, may we know why? What was the name of that shop?
What part of the industry are you interested in pursuing online?
There will be other members with questions, it's just part of the vetting process.
The more detail you can give us, the faster it will go. Thanks
I'm guessing her site is

Welcome to FlowerChat Tracy! You'll find a LOT of information as well as helpful advice around these parts.

And you'll find a bunch of good folks too!

One thing, I'd recommend you spend some time and get to work on that site of yours, can't buy anything online?? If you need a hand, let me know.

My second try so if you got the first one I apologize. I do have a website I have all the same #'s as before just a change in address. I am still doing daily deliveries ,as well as parties weddings & events. I closed my shop due to the location not being what I thought it would be, the recession that seemed to be never ending, I open just before 9-11, and to the gift shop taking over the flower shop. I felt I was a great gift shop w/ flowers not a flower shop with great gifts. Hoping for help with the under side of the website, ie: metatags & stuff like that. Thanks for asking. Have a great day! Tracy
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Hi Tracy, it's funny actually because there is an english member called Tracy Goodman (goodie)...

I have looked at your site and i think its ok. If there was a comment i would make it would be to streamline the designs to make it clearer what people are ordering for, ie. designs in vases, modern designs, handtied designs etc. Also for people to know which designs suit for funerals etc... but that is really just my opinion and i know nothing really about websites.. just an observation and i had a fleeting glimpse (there's a song there somewhere)...

Welcome to flowerchat anyway