I could write a book about silks. 99% depends on your part of the country, & type of clientele you serve. I am in a very small town in one of the 3 poorest counties in Missouri. Have very large amt of walk in traffic, have best location in town, you can park at my front door.
We carry two kinds of silk--the kind we call cemetery silk (cheap) & better silk, not high end, just nicer for home arrangements. Silk cemetery probably accounts for about 25% of my business because we have tons of little country cemeteries & even the big one in town--they hardly ever clean off the graves, hence the flowers stay on & people think they are getting a lot for their money. We have some funerals that are almost all silk cemetery pieces & green plants. My customers are always saying, we don't something that will die, we want something for our money. I am talking mostly lower end orders, although sometimes we have very big expensive pieces. If you are in an area that will support this the key is having a big selection on hand. We do lots of grapevine wreaths with silk, very large easels & some funeral type baskets. Home arrangements seem to go in spurts but we do sell a lots--again--you need good walk in traffice. In our area we have several (more than I want)silk trucks that make monthly runs. This is a very big thing in the southern regions of the country. If you want more info give me a call at 573-996-3717--Genie