Silly me and the old TV

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New Member
Jan 15, 2006
Overland Park
State / Prov
Well. . .we have this old TV on a shelf in the work area. It's only for working late or some kind of important breaking news during the day.

So here I am working late on weddings because yesterday and today got crazy and I didn't get much done on them. I told Laurie to flip on the TV; she reminded me that it wouldn't work after June 12th or something. I completely forgot about the new TV thing, or didn't think it applied to mine!(Just everyone else's!)

How odd. I guess it's now a paperweight. We turned it on just to see what it would do . . .static. Dang. We've obviously had the thing forever--watched lots of historic happenings on it as well as plenty of stupid late-night programs (all in black and white!).

I even had a minor tizzy once long ago and put it in the trunk of my car for several weeks when I came back sooner than expected one day and found it turned on and tuned to a soap opera!

Why am I nostalgic about an old TV that you had to fiddle with its rabbit ears to get the right channel?!
Maybe some day someone will buy it from an antique store to display with their typewriter and Polaroid camera...........

Ya' never know.
Side note:

We got the "black boxes" for each of the 3 homeless shelters I help to manage and got rid of the cable we had in the one...the reception is awesome...and the number of channels is more than needed....

Thinking about dumping my cable at home and spending the $45.00 one time fee for the box...
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I now use mine to show disk of down loaded photos of the shops past work.
From weddings to funeral work instead of the books. Seems to still had a use.
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