SIMON SAYS ROSES,and Teleflora...

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Mikey the Flower Guy

It's a GREAT DAY to live, and love!
Nov 10, 2002
Dundas, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
This is the contents of an email I've forwarded to Teleflora directly as a result of more investigation of TF's support of an ILLEGAL order gatherer, called SIMON SAYS ROSES!!
For all the talk of TF being a friend to the INDEPENDENT FLORIST is bull,and I've had my fill of it!!
IF TF had said" we will be supporting order gatherers", then I would NOT be this riled up, but, the MORE I HEAR, the more I think that YOU, the informed TF members, should be looking VERY CLOSELY, and listening VERY CLOSELY to what's up at TF HQ now!
Just a heads up...and read what I wrote...

You have a problem!! It's called "Simon Says Roses", and I AM launching an email campaign against their ILLEGAL USE of flower shops, their names, and addresses, without their EXPRESS PERMISSION to do so!! especially in Canada.
IF TELEFLORA wishes to NOT be mentioned in this email, as a co-partner with this order gather, I suggest you quickly divest yourself of them, or advise them that their ILLEGAL USE of out of area shops names and addresses, for their own purposes of stealing business, through their website, will NOT be tolerated!!
I've quit TF, over issues such as this, and will advise others to do the same...should this persist much longer.
With regrets,
The problem, Mikey, is that they fit in TF's membership regulations. They have a shop, the deliver, have trained staff, pass inspections ...

The day to day operations of a shop and how they gather their orders are NOT governed by TF or FTD. If a wire service tried to tell you how to run your shop, you'd tell them where to shove their logo, right?

It becomes a messy legal issue trying to expell a member for something outside the membership rules. SimonSays could easily file suit AGAINST TF if not done properly.
I'm of the opinion that neither wire services care - as long as the orders flow (or stagger) through the system and they get their cut, they're happy.

My main complaint is that this service makes itself sound like they represent us - which is pure bs. I don't need it - I get enough of that daily from the wire services we do belong to.

I've recieved my FIRST call about this matter...

from TF,and it has begun.
Ryan..which way do you want it?? WISH SIMON SAYS ROSES well, and let them just steal any business they can??, or you want to help??
The company running Simon Says Roses, owned by Frank and Dale Simon...have NO PERMISSION from YOU, or anybody else here, to include YOUR SHOP, YOUR TOWN, YOUR ADDRESS and YOUR POSTAL CODE to be used in THEIR website..hands down!
Now, IF they were to do a mass mailing, letting shop owners KNOW that they WILL BE LISTED, unless otherwise advised, that's legal (eg form of reverse billing), BUT, to my knowledge, they HAVE NO SUCH PERMISSION.
Take it as you will...they list Teleflora and AFS as their carriers...
I will be contacting our Canadian manager for FTD shortly,
Re: I've recieved my FIRST call about this matter...

Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
Ryan..which way do you want it?? WISH SIMON SAYS ROSES well, and let them just steal any business they can??, or you want to help??

Get real - take a valium, chill out for a bit.

No one wants SSR operating as they do - I just don't think taking it out on ONE of their WS's is the way to approach it.

You don't like it? Sue SSR. File a class action suit, on behalf of every list shop, if you want. Just don't use this as a reason to attack a different company you don't like.

Mikey , I checked their website , they list themselves as the florist in every (8) towns in Newfoundland , maybe they have switched to this in all listings?
Chill out man or I am going to come down and BOP you one beside the head. You are picking big time on teleflora lately for nothing as FTD is as guilty as teleflora.
I did a search the other day on excite about elliot lake florist
a shop came up called Amys Flower shop in Elliot Lake and they are not even in this town. They are a order gatherer who is FTD and teleflora . It tell the people that she is in this town againdeceiving the public. How about the store called Vancouver Florist in Vancouver that is FTD but runs in a different name when you call them. They call themselve UrbanFlorist or Urban Flowers and basket. THey say they have shops across canada.
So stop picking on teleflora when FTD is as guilty.

I think you know me better than to paint everyone with the same brush!!!!
I INTEND to keep this up until YOU GUYS learn how to police yourselves, and DON'T GIVE UP!!
It's about time...THIS is THAT time!!
Mikey is right, biggest problem is TF signed up Simon Says Roses, and doesn't want to police that member. TF can modify their rules and regulations, to curtail this problem. There's nothing wrong with a shop having a website to get orders, it's the method in what they use to get that order to their website. As we all know all you need to do is enter in your search engine Teleflora Toronto and SimonSays will appear in your results.
And FTD went out and BOUGHT all the skimmers that actually handle large volumes of orders.

Every florist has the potential to be a skimmer, with a few carefully worded statements. Asking the wire services, who TRANSMIT the orders for us, ensure our payment and provide quality control (at least if we complain they usually do something), to police OUR industry is unfair.

As long as we fill for the few big skimmers, there will be thousands of little fish like SimonSays trying to suck the skim off our pond. We have to create an environment where this is NOT encouraged.

Shifting the blame to a third party is not the way to get anything effective done.

Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
I think you know me better than to paint everyone with the same brush!!!!
I INTEND to keep this up until YOU GUYS learn how to police yourselves, and DON'T GIVE UP!!
It's about time...THIS is THAT time!!

I have not given up Mikey, been a bit beat up, but NEVER given up...

I know they be tired of hearing ME !
NOT shifting the blame...

just trying to shift the "skimming from the pond" to 'skimming the SCUM from the pond"".
So you suggest that I forget all about this Ryan??
I suggest you direct your wrath at the right people.

You aren't yelling at the wholesalers who provide SSR with flowers, right? The hydro and phone companies who facilitate their operation and transmission? What about the ISP that hosts their site?

Why are you picking on ONE company that has no bearing on how SSR runs their business?
I told Teleflora

over a year ago that when you go to Google and type in "flowers" and "Etobicoke" (my city) the second listing that comes up is for Simon says roses in B.C. - 3000 miles away! Is it any wonder I did not get one single order from my Teleflora website? How long will it be until our governments offer the consumer some protection from this kind of deception? I think the answer might be: eternity.
Paul, we all know that our "government", if that what it really is, exists ONLY to get re elected at the next election, whenever that will be. Johnny Cruton's 32 billion for the health care system is really 10 billion over 3 or 5 years so he can't even take our money and get that right when he isn't coming back! It seems that he thinks that is going to be his legacy; maybe these guys really are as dumb as a hole in the ground. Consumer protection on anything that hasn't spent months front and centre every day isn't going to happen; the deceptive situations in our industry, the moronic tax on all digital storage devices that can be used to download music and other such situations don't get politicians re elected unless they become a wide spread concern.
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