Slow computer after Dove 7.0

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New Member
Nov 2, 2002
No time to read the board lately....too busy trying to figure out why my computer slowed down....after a day and a half on computer support Gateway pinpointed that the new Dove 7.0 software I installed was using 100% of my CPU resources. When I called Dove support I found out it is a known issue on some machines and they are working on it. Since Teleflora isn't going to inform you....take it from one who lost a lot of time.....if your computer is acting up try to uninstall Dove 7.0 and put in the old version. If this is a repetition.....sorry....but if I only had known myself!
You don't have to re-install the old version. You can re-install the new version after un-installing it.
The should have let every one know ASAP.
We had to have a patch ....they sent us the disk, we installed over the previous disk. NO problems since. Works like a charm on an old ...old.... emachine Windows 98 running for over 5 years/365/7/24hrs.
And by the way, it is very rare to have a "plebe" answering the tech phones like FTD does. No one in the background giving instructions to the person trying to help me (with the "hold one minute").
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