small shop

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FSI or Blossoms Network
Originally posted by Ralph Adams
I have a small shop and looking at joining a wire service, which one would be best for me?


Love to talk to you about your needs. Check out our website

Perfect for small shops and large shops. OG Free also! Best choice in affordable wire services. IN FACT CHEAPEST!

Peter Plumley
I'd say Blossoms - Peter's rates are great and he's definitely dedicated.

If all you want is sending & receiving, no frills, cost-effective, look as Blossoms, no questions.

If you want automated sending, POS technology, selection guide, advertising support, credit card programs, advertising material, etc ... you need to look at TF or FTD. Costs are generally about the same for both, you have to look at which suits you best. Be prepared to pay a lot more for TF & FTD than you would for Blossoms.
Do you mind if I ask why you are considering joining a wire service?

Are you looking to provide addtional services to you customers by sending orders out? Are you trying to get more sales and think a WS could provide it? Got any other reasons?
Originally posted by Infinite
If you want automated sending, POS technology, selection guide, advertising support, credit card programs, advertising material, etc ... you need to look at TF or FTD.

Rome wasn't built in a day. With respect Ryan when was the last time you personally built a business from 0 to 150 countries?

I've found most members don't have a need for the things you mentioned above, a small handful do and I understand that issue.

In time we will have a small selection guide, and a magazine, along with a National spokesperson, we are building this from the ground up, not simply going out and buying up someone else's company, and then trying to jell it all together and have a disaster for several years in the process sadly we are only mere mortals, and not a body of 1000's with billions of dollars to experiment with a losing idea, when we put a idea into action here it works the first time out.

Plus we don't take advantage of various state programs to hire employees only to fire them later, or try and suck every last drop of water out of the general populations useage while diverting to farm operations or lobby to remove low income people out of their homes because it might be close to my house, or have some miserable regional Vice President of a company tell a Florist they didnt' do enough business to count, if one of my VPs of my companies said that to a Florist, he or she would find themselves out on the street, not be promoted for it.
Deep breath, Peter ...

I was merely outlining the differences in the CURRENT offerings between Blossoms and the others - and in a way that I thought was pretty fair.

You said yourself, some people need more services than others. Ralph was asking for options, I listed options. You provide a solid, basic service for a very reasonable fee. The others have their perks, too, at a cost. These are things a florist needs to consider before joining any WS.

Have fun building Rome :)
Ralph Adams said:
I have a small shop and looking at joining a wire service, which one would be best for me?

Hmmm... LOTS to consider here, Ralph.

How small is 'small'? Under 150k a year? NEW shop?
How about OUTBOUND wire orders - do you have a lot? What about IN's? If you are a small shop, in a town where there are few or no FTD or TEL shops, you could get a good bit of in-bound wire orders with joining either one of you want that? Some do...some don't.
How about other facets of your biz - do you need, as Ryan pointed out, other perks of either of the Big 2? C-card clearing, technology, POS system??? Product ability - are you near good quality wholesalers?

...Your mind spinning yet?!?!???

How about this - FEES... I *know* FTD is cutting deals on small shops - and if you're in a rural area, with no other FTD member - you can get in for a reasonable fee. Can't speak for TEL as no TEL rep has set foot in our building in about 3 flag there???

But, maybe you ONLY need a vehicle to transmit/phone a few orders a week out of town. If that's the case, then direct F2F is a good idea. Get yourself a company c-card with a good line of credit and start callin'! Blossoms is anther option....good service for lower cost...

I have a "BIG" shop and a 'small' shop, so I've been able to see both sides of the industry.
Go with what your GUT tells you, and also what YOUR biz tells you....
Good Luck to you!

- Herb
Infinite said:
Anyone notice how old the original post is?

Ya' know...I hate it when that happens...
...always forgettin' to look at that date! :hammer:
That's what you get when you quickly glance at the posts..........

It's Knife's Wife's fault!!! :)

- H.

PS - STILL...I wonder how many "Ralphs" there are out there, who have small shops, and read this board.......
Infinite said:
Anyone notice how old the original post is?

That is the first thing I noticed,however, it doesn't hurt to dredge up perennial issues from time to time.

For the sake of this thread, if I were looking for a WS I would trend toward TF because they still have all good stuff from AFS, Redbook and themselves.

Just go easy on all the add-on's such as CC clearing, 24 hour answering service, computer technology.

If TF is listening, fade FTD's strategies for making money!

Philly Florist, That is so funny... I can't figure out how it happened though, because I always go to quick links and hit new post. I never search the old ones because I've been around for several years now. I don't get it! Anyways, I'll take the blame!

Knife's Wife
Failed to notice

We all failed to notice that Mr Adams only posted once on this board. Never came back for additional information. Was unable to find any listing for any flower shop currently in Dixon, NM. Guess the info wasn't as important as he thought. Can only assume the worse.
Please do yourself a favor & don't join a WS. Continue on your path, just market yourself. I am finally getting rid of my last WS after 8 yrs of struggling. I bought a shop that was nothing but WS (3 of them) financially I thought any order was good, but not in this case. You will make more money in this biz by using your own credit card & calling shops directly with your outgoing wire orders. You can look shops up online or join a non WS network, like Flower shop network or 1800send. I wish I would have done it a few years ago, but I had some much initial debt, I was scared to make the leap. I have successfully cut back on my wire orders & I am finally doing better. I was paying $1800 monthly ,just fees, not their % of each order that you get or send, I am a top 2000 florist w/TF. they need to get with the times & start helping shops, because they are hurting us & not helping us as them claim. TF & FTD both market to your customers & take orders from them & then expect you to fill the orders for 70%, make them & deliver them, impossible.
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