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Je peux vous dire une chose : Je suis sûr que Luc essaye très dur !
Estamos hablando sobre Luc, y sus esfuerzos impregnan el Debbie encantador. ¡Va Luc, Va!
So English...We know you are trying know I will get even...and I won't ask when. :)

Tu peut dire a Sandie, que sa depend du bon Dieu a nous aider!
All I can say as HARD AS I AM and as much as we try all methods, like the turkey baster, standing up on my head, the reverse forward method, jumping up and down, blowing it in, etc etc,
it will happen when the Good Lord thinks we are ready.
Same as Ryan, but I heard a new method the other day, an ORGY with another couple who wants a baby also. Ryan have you heard of that one and are you game?????
Phone me at 555-swap.
If you need a stud service call me!!

All I had to do was glance sideways at the ex and I was throwing rocks at the bloody stork in 9 months. Actually had the snip after the second but they still can swim . If you need some help send down the airfare and I'm there, anything to help a friend !!
Should this discussion be in the "Where's the Beef" forum? ;)
Rated R

Originally posted by Victoria
Should this discussion be in the "Where's the Beef" forum? ;)

Nice shot, V.

Curious, why does "bébés" need two accent marks?
Where does the emphasis go, first or second syllable?
Originally posted by Luc
Tu peut dire a Sandie, que sa depend du bon Dieu a nous aider!
All I can say as HARD AS I AM and as much as we try all methods, like the turkey baster, standing up on my head, the reverse forward method, jumping up and down, blowing it in, etc etc,
it will happen when the Good Lord thinks we are ready.
Same as Ryan, but I heard a new method the other day, an ORGY with another couple who wants a baby also. Ryan have you heard of that one and are you game?????
Phone me at 555-swap.

Hey! How about 1-800-hanz-off!

Besides, I haven't got the energy for that ... one person (aside from me!!) is enough.


"I AM the game"
Originally posted by Audra
It's said "Bay-Bay" with equal emphasis.


So why the accents then? I thought accents were used to indicate where the emphasis should be.
Not necessarily. In French, accents are often phonetic markers.

My grandmother's name was Thérèse (which was said Tay-Rise). It was always explained to me that é=AY and è=I. Being a francophone, Luc would be far better able to explain than I.

Who care how it is spelled...God know us frenchman do things quite differently...You must notice this also with my english...
P.S. How can I type in french on this keyboard? Do I have to have a different one!!!!!!
seems to me....

Êàæåòñÿ ìíå, ÷òî, ÅÑËÈ ÃÛ Âû äîëæíû áûëè èìåòü âîçìîæíîñòü, èìåòü ðåáåíêà ñ êåì - òî ÅËÑÅÑ ñïåðìà, ïî÷åìó Âû òîëüêî íå èìåëè áû ïîë(ñåêñ) ñ äðóãèì ×ÅËÎÂÅÊÎÌ??
Originally posted by Luc

P.S. How can I type in french on this keyboard? Do I have to have a different one!!!!!!

Try this......alt+ 160 = á ...alt+ 133 = à ...alt + 128 = Ç ....alt + 135 = ç ...alt+ 144 = É ...alt+ 130 = é alt+ 138 = è ...alt+ 137 = ë ....alt+ 136 = ê you may have to use the number pad while pressing the alt key........royal pain in the butt, but it works! :)
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