Hello! Corey here from Social Lid.com. I'm a proud father of 3 awesome children, married to a gorgeous woman for over 13 years and recently started Social Lid.
As a former installation and phone tech support for Teleflora's "Daisy" Division, I saw a strong need to bring Social Media to the many florist around the globe.
We live and work in rural America and understand the need for an affordable solution to bring Social Media to small business. At just $50 a month, we feel we can help every florist with their daily Social Media Presence. Visit us online at http://www.sociallid.com
I am not a spammer. I am a legit online business.
As a former installation and phone tech support for Teleflora's "Daisy" Division, I saw a strong need to bring Social Media to the many florist around the globe.
We live and work in rural America and understand the need for an affordable solution to bring Social Media to small business. At just $50 a month, we feel we can help every florist with their daily Social Media Presence. Visit us online at http://www.sociallid.com
I am not a spammer. I am a legit online business.