Something to think about

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clay said:
Something to think about...

On Wednesday, at two minutes and three seconds after

1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

That won't ever happen again.

It will but we won't likely see it in the year 2106
Solve This One For Me

I submitted this query to Ask Marilyn, Parade Magazine, but never received a response. Solve this one for daughter's birthdate is 1-8-81. The date is the same forward and backward. How often does this occur?
My 11th birthday was pretty cool. It was 6/6/66.

Beth :~)
My aunt turned 24 years old on 12/3/45.

My sister and her husband celebrated their 36th wedding anniversary on 9/9/99.
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