Sports car

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New Member
Jun 13, 2007
Missouri Valley
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This may not be the place to ask this but do any of you have a second car that is a sports car? I'm looking to buy and older Corvette and a friend said you don't want to do that. I ask why and they said you'll loose alot of customers over that. I live in a small town and people see your driving a sports car and they'll think your making too much money and they'll take there business else where.
Any thoughts on this?
My thoughts are I'm over 50 have worked my a@@ off and want to have some fun in my old age and if people judeg my work on my cars I dive then maybe I don't want them as customers nayway.
Unfair as it is the reality is that the green eyed monster syndrome exists and even though you probably do deserve it there will be people who talk/look sideways at you.

But as a fellow 50'er who drives a convertible and with a husband who has a vintage karman beetle I say what the heck. My hard working a**** also deserves to sit in something fun!

Which is why I operate on the opposite theory that by having more than one set of wheels it shows that I am successful and therefore doing something right and as such the best person to do business with!!!
I agree totally with you on the success of a person should mean alot to people but it doesn't. I keep my nmae out of the paper for not paying my bills unlike some of the other business owners in my town.
My other half has a kitcar that my dad built him. I think it is great for business because on a saturday when it is nice he will come to work in it. He parks it right outside the shop. As the couples walk past, the man will stop to look at the car and this gives the lady just enough time to have a nosey in our shop. She invariably goes back out to get money from her other half to buy something. Go for it.............
Thanks for the input. Still looking but I know I want a Corvette.
I even had people complain when I bought a different delivery truck. Tax man said buy new you can write off new just as well as and older one and have something with no problems.
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