Sprout Intro

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
State / Prov

I have owned my own business for 8 years and been in this industry for 19 years. I have a degree in horticulture as well as a certificate in floral design. I've also studied art and landscape design.

Flower Chat came up in the metrics for my blog!

I hope to be a part of the larger floral community, especially those not affiliated with wire services. I'm concerned with maintaining the relevance of the independent retail florist shop while the mass market piece of the floral pie grows. I hope to share my own experiences marketing my shop as well as learning some new ideas from others.

My shop is located in a commercial space in a mixed use neighborhood of a medium sized city.
welcome!!! love your name!
Hi Sprout -

So glad you made your way to FC. IMO you have one of the best blogs by a florist I've seen in a long time. Great writing, fun topics, educational and authentic. Love the advice you gave to brides about 'wiggle room' in wedding costs. :)

Hope other FC members take some time to visit your blog. Great stuff!

welcome from UK

Sprout .. you once came up in my googles and now I read your blog reguarly ... even though I am in the UK! I think you are funny and savvy and reckon you could contribute much to FC.

Welcome and please take part.

Welcome Sprout, really loved your blog. Excellent photos and content. Great to learn about you and your store. No photos of your store, are you located on the high street or else where? I'm sure you'll make an excellent addition to our community.:bouquet2:
Thank you all! Bear with me though, as I'm not quite sure how forums function and am bound to make a faux pas here or there.

No pictures of my shop exterior...but will try to rectify that when I get my new sign. Am having a terrible time deciding so if you have any suggestions - http://www.sprout-flowers.com/2009/05/sprout-needs-new-sign.html

I'm in a city of 175,000 and no, we don't have a "high" street. Sigh...there are virtually no retail neighborhoods. Our city has an urban, blue collar center surrounded by a suburban-like donut. The urban core is filled with wig shops, storefront churches, and convenience stores. I'm on the "good" side of town, but am mostly surrounded by folks with a suburban mall type attitude about shopping. Meaning, they don't know how to deal with on street parking, they expect you to be open 24/7 which makes no sense for our volume of business, and they don't always grasp the difference between custom made and ready made. Would love to be in a neighborhood with other retail, but the main game in town right now is more development of low income housing.

Don't get me wrong, I love my city, my customers are great! But I feel a bit adrift as a business and would love, say, two blocks of consecutive retail on both sides of the road. Too much to ask?
Sprout, welcome to the community... I loved your first post...

Oh and about your sign, the top right is more architecturally finished at the bottom... it gets my vote...

Hope you don't mind, I added a link to your blog on my store blog... Cathy's right...great job!

We're glad your part of the FlowerChat NATION!

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