Standard easel height?

Snapdragon Studio

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2009
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I'm doing a standing easel spray and memorial wreath today - my first big funeral project. Which size easel do you use most often? There are many choices, and I want to use the proper size. Or at least a common size... :)
Jennifer, for the wreath most definitely the 54" if it's an oasis form. It gets REALLY heavy, I've been known to stack two of them together to keep the legs from bowing on anything bigger than an 18" form. The spray depends on the size just for visual balance, I usually use the 48" for that.
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I'm glad we just drop them off with out easels and the funeral homes have their own really strong adjustable easels that work great! Must be an east coast thing.
Just got the new style wire ones in today, they're hinged, and much sturdier than the originals. About double the cost, around $7.00 but seem to be worth it.
Here in the South we use the 60" for everyday work. When we put an evergreen wreath on an easel for the winter, we use a 48". It will not catch the wind and be knocked over. When we make satnds for infants we will also use a 48" and customize the design to fit the situation.
So Boss, are you talking about the hinged ones? Do the really fold flat? Do they fold with a spray or wreath attached?
Yes, they do fold flat, although I have not used one with a piece on it yet.

Interestingly, they fold front to back, like the original, but also left to right, ending up about 1" by 1" when fully closed. The "drop down brace" in the back is on hinges instead of just a bent wire, and the front cross braces at the top and bottom are hinged at each end as well as in the middle.

I did put a good amount of weight on one today and it did not get the typical bend in the front.

Up north here, I use the 54" for cemeteries so I can push them into the ground 6-8" where they freeze in place. Our winter winds are pretty severe at times.
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We mostly use 66" and 72" with 60" for lower-priced designs. Folks want them tall! They buy easels so the flowers are at least displayed at eye level. The lower the easel, the lower the perceived value - esp. set pieces like hearts & crosses. For a few more bucks, you can make an easel spay appear so much larger - and make customers much happier.
Dang Cathy... that seems tall....

I use mostly wooden easels as our sprays are large... and a 24" Oasis heart weighs a lot when wet, even without flowers...
We use 54 inch for the $75 and $100 sprays, the 60 inch for $125 and up, and we have the white, wooden John Henry ones - I believe they are also 60 in. - for $150 and up if the customer prefers them.

As Cathy said, the customers appreciate height. Our local supplier doesn't carry anything taller, or we would get them. I'm going to ask them about the hinged ones Mark was telling about, they sound great.

I worked for years (oh god, decades) in Maine, and like Helen, we didn't carry any easels, the funeral homes all had very nice, sturdy decorative ones. We made the sprays, flat on the bench, those were the days! We didn't do many easel sprays, it seemed that mache's and baskets were the regional fav's.