I think I read here recently that you can paint stephanotis if it starts to get brown spots??? The wedding is this weekend and no chance to get more... any suggestions? Does it do ok with spay paint/
I would call the bride and fess up - tell her that it came in bad, and you have exhausted all your resouces to replace - and offer her a fabulous substitition.
It is all in the delivery - spin spin spin! Then if she wants to chance it, she will understand the risks.
whoops! I guess it was your vine I was posting about. Sorry .I could do a fresh pick in the morning and overnight it to you, also. My vine in Miami has quite a few flowers on it right now.
Yes, I'm trying to find some more silks... up here in the woods it's hard to get stuff... have tried 3 different wholesalers... no luck.... no orchids or hyacenths...
Thank you all for all your ideas. The steph is for the bride and all the corsages and bouts.... pray for me!
Had my hyacinth not openned enough, I was going to use white kalanchoe and call her telling her the big stuff was bad but I was able to get a new mini hybrid variety that was clustered?!?!?! It isn't lying, it is creative covering my ass! Thank God it didn't come to that!!!