S super70bird New Member Mar 26, 2009 0 3 0 Leesburg State / Prov VA Mar 26, 2009 #1 1: http://www.jerrysflowersonline.com/ 2: 40+ years 3: No 4: Found on google search 5: General information 6: Ideas, information 7: Building Reactions: 3 people
1: http://www.jerrysflowersonline.com/ 2: 40+ years 3: No 4: Found on google search 5: General information 6: Ideas, information 7: Building
mlou New Member Nov 27, 2003 2,559 421 0 124 Houston ilocalflorist.com State / Prov Texas Mar 26, 2009 #2 . Welcome to FlowerChat!!! .
TGDragonfly Well-Known Member Jan 9, 2009 2,506 3,342 113 Granby/Washington DC State / Prov CT/DC Mar 26, 2009 #3 Hi Jerry, This is Thom Green, You used to be my client while I was with Kesters back in 99. How are you? Welcome to Flower Chat.
Hi Jerry, This is Thom Green, You used to be my client while I was with Kesters back in 99. How are you? Welcome to Flower Chat.