Sympathy Gift Items: To Sell or Not to Sell?

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Jan 5, 2004
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I want to be known as a REAL FLORIST by providing a high quality floral product at a fair price and with good delivery system. I don't like OG's and have my problems with my WS, but a couple of years ago I started carrying sympathy gift items (Cotton Throws, Flicker Lamps, Wind Chimes, Ceramic Angels, Fiber Optic Angels, Religious Pictures, Lighted Glass Blocks, Concrete Plaques, etc.) and have found that they have enabled my shop to show a very healthy sales growth in those two years (Average of 21% per year). Now, I realize that some florist find these items in conflict with the flower business, but these "Take Home Items" have become nearly 45% of my sympathy sales and approximately 35% of my daily sales. I will admit I am located in a very rural area and these items are a little "Red Necked" and my wife laughs at some of them, but they are putting a better bean on the table.

Now the question, do any other shops find that supplementing your flower sales with gifts of this type is the right way to go for a REAL FLORIST or should we let these gift items go by the wayside and take the business with them?

Let me know your thoughts.....
My thoughts are if it works for you and your customers than why not?? If it makes you money and isn't unethical then why not?? What I sell in one location is not at all what sells well in my location 1/4 mile away, go figure.

Keep selling the sympathy giftware !!

Knife's wife

has found a "niche" market for the same kind of stuff works in some places, and not in others.
We tried to tap that market, and the "heathens" here, just wouldn't bite.....
Unusual Sympathy Products

We order Styrofoam hearts, crosses, wreaths etc from a supplier in Ga.
On our last order he offered a wreath with a framed picture of Jesus built into it.
We ordered one and sold it the first day we had it. We were a little reserved about showing it to that customer ( we didn't know what the reaction would be) The customer said " That's so perfect for Aunt ....."
We also have done a heart with a child's plastic phone attached and the script "Jesus Called" for a customer ( Ultra "Southern") :buttkick :buttkick :buttkick . We aim to please ! Talk about unusual .
We are probably one of the few if not the only shop in Central Florida that does these old fashioned set pieces.
Our list includes styro set pieces of fish, guitars, pizzas, college logos, semi-trucks, fire trucks (for a retired chief) and many more wacky things.
Often we get repeat requests for items folks have seen at prior funerals.
See if they can get this stuff from Pro-Flowers, 800Flowers or Wal-Mart !!!

FlowerMike said:
See if they can get this stuff from Pro-Flowers, 800Flowers or Wal-Mart !!!
These floral "retailers" would have NO IDEA what you are taking about....
Angels are very popular around here for sympathy work. Depending on the dollar amount of the sale, we add flowers around the angels.

Also, back in the early 1900's the only sympathy items sold were fresh floral sympathy sprays and set pieces, then came paper maches, then plants and silks and now angels.

It is just an evolution. Recently, I have been doing more set pieces on easels. Why? Because my competitors don't and those wreaths, crosses and hearts really stand out in the funeral home. Nothing high style, but they are fast, easy and profitable. AND the customers who purchase them, like them.

We are probably one of the few if not the only shop in Central Florida that does these old fashioned set pieces.
Our list includes styro set pieces of fish, guitars, pizzas, college logos, semi-trucks, fire trucks (for a retired chief) and many more wacky things

What are you calling "set pieces" ? Please describe them and where do you get them

Thanks, Pete
We do those items as well. They sell very well and we have people who also say that they saw something at ...... s funeral and loved it. They are not run of the mill items and so sell. Have done football helmets, etc. Weighted a ton!

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