Teleflora clearing house statements

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New Member
Feb 17, 2003
State / Prov
Why can't the items just be numerical instead of separate headquarters,real florist and international?For instance you find one under international and you never had a clue it was international,and you find some Kablooms-for example- under headquarters. For years and years,I would prefer the month to run normally-hello-the first to 30 or thirty1st-not sixth to fifth ot whatever.Why must the filling florist be on hold so long when reporting missing Dove orders and then be told see next statement only to find it's not there again?AND!!! what's with all the annoying 1and 5 cent adjustments on so many orders making me crazy when checking and I do check. i am feeling very cranky after checking the May statement.
We also checked our monthly statements very carefully every month.

Program Fees, eflorist transmission fees, extra listings fees, directory advertising fees, other member services fees, membership services fees, TF technologies fees, CC summary fees, and best of all TF quality network fees!

It's all there when you signed with us - Don't you remeber the packet we gave you when you signed up as a member.

Can you do anything about this stuff- there seems to be alot of fees? =)

Nah, it's all standard stuff.

Then i quit! =)

(5months later) Come back I 'll give you 3-6 months free?

Never = )
Well..... it makes perfect sense to TF to do it that way.
It's just smoke and mirrors.... they hope you'll get fed up, stop reconciling and let them continue to rape and pillage....

Did Norton go to work there?
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