Teleflora Coupons

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New Member
Oct 10, 2006
Small town
State / Prov
Hi. I'm new to this site and hope this hasn't been asked a bunch of times before. Does anyone know the legality of accepting the teleflora coupons for items we don't carry? For example we have several "halloween" arrangements - some are in old teleflora halloween containers, but we're not codified this holiday with the current ones. The $5 coupons that were apparently in recent papers don't specify which arrangements qualify and when approached this past week with some from customers felt I had to honor them as they just say "halloween arrangement" I believe. Will I be able to submit them to Teleflora for reimbursment? Thanks for any input.
Will I be able to submit them to Teleflora for reimbursment?
I'm not a member of TF....but I would assume that the reimbursement's would be based against the number of *current* containers purchased by a shop. As if you bought 12 you could turn in 12 coupons, and if you bought 24 you could turn in 24 and get money back.

Side bar: Many shops do, and I think all should accept the WS coupons even if you are not a member of said WS. It not only results in a sale for you, but eliminates the consumer from going to a competitor, and $3-5.00 is pretty cheap to acquire a new customer.

Might not work if it's a specific product, but in many/most cases I think you could sell them a similar item and reap the rewards, most consumers are flexible on the item and want to save the $$.

I am cartain that Teleflora will honor your coupons even if you didn't purchase current containers. There are two reasons that I am certain; (1) you may have obtained one or two empty containers from a buddy florist to fill an order, and (2) the coupon is for "Save $5 on any Teleflora Gift Bouquet" which means "any". An outdated container will be fine. I have done this myself in the past and haven't had any problems.
You can also turn in those coupons when you wire out an order.

We honor all florist coupons, WS or local.
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