Teleflora Service agreement....

Jun 28, 2010
United States
State / Prov
I am out of Teleflora as of Jan 31 ( I can't wait)... I have been a member for 25 years... Today I called customer service, and asked them for a copy of my "contract / Service agreement" because I was curious about what I signed up for 25 year s ago. I was told that they won't give me a copy, because I got a copy when I signed up... When I told the rep that it was 25 years ago, and can't find it, she replied "we can't give you another copy!!
Don't they by law have to give me a copy??? I have never heard of such a thing!!!!!
In Florida, it's called "time of application" is the only time they are required to give you anything that you sign. You voted yourself off the island, so now they won't help you.......
might have been "easier" to ask BEFORE you exited the TF highway......

I was just thinking that myself.I sure don't miss all the bs with FTD but I do miss some of the people I got to know that worked there. But good luck on your new freedom!
Because f the way TF works their contract the contract signed 25 years ago is not even relevant...With all contracts you sign with tf you also sign that you agree to all newer contracts as they the newest contract is the one that is binding as your membership progresses..Doesn't really explain why they won't give you a copy, but regardless of what you signed for 25 years ago, you were kept up to current membership rules and regs, charges and fees and changes each and every membership renewal period...Ah the joys of how a contract can protect one and screw another....basically their contracts are useless for us and so so important for them..I am so learly of contracts now that I know that people with them are usually the ones who benefit from every point in them and I always read them, If I cannot read the contract and it is confusong in any way it becomes a deal breaker for me to do business with the new company and if it covers all changes made into eternity, no go....
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why do you want the contract? you are getting out. Also, the skinny book they send every quarter has terms of service in it