teleflora website reset all my prices late evening yesterday


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2011
State / Prov
heads up if you have a TF website, I noticed a drop in prices late last night, and all of my prices got reset to pre-holiday pricing.
Oooooh.... that's not good... and just in time for the holiday when you don;t have time to deal with it...

Time for an independent site~!
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Somebody's butt is going to be in a sling when florists start calling and complaining and asking for more money on every order. I'm with Boss, indie ~ nobody messes with my products or pricing. Even when I had FSN, they did crap like that. I was supposed to be able to anchor certain products and prices but the "anchor" ALWAYS gave way. Pooh.
When their server went down all prices reset to their original pricings....