testingmmemeber Intro

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New Member
Jun 24, 2008
State / Prov
Answering these questions is mandatory for new applicants:
- What is your website address?

- How long have you been in business?

- Do you have any formal floral education?

- How were you referred to FlowerChat?

- What do you hope to gain from membership?

- What do you feel you can contribute to the community?

- Do you operate from a commercial building or your residence?
So why didn't you answer the questions?

Nigella's intro (and the experience of a member I referred here) wanted me to see the process. This is me. I think I understand.

When you register for most websites and you are asked to identify the code letters, that is usually the end. In the member app, you would have to know to scroll down to see the rest of the info. If you don't complete all the info, you get an error screen that says that need to fill out the biz name, location, etc. However, your answers are not a required field (even though they say they are). So the new app just fills out what is required to register, but does not realize that the ???'s are mandatory AND that when they register those ??'s become a post.

My recommendation is to:

A: Move the text transcribing thing to the end of the app
B: Program it to not accept the application without letting people type in the ??? field (don't even know if this is possible, but I see that being the only way to not confuse people)

The fact is, most people do not think that there is that much to registering to even a private site. They think that they will fill out the required fields and THEN post the intro separately.

I see how these questions could be overlooked.
I actually think that it isn't computer illiterate people that get confused. It is actually the reverse. The more sites that you register for, the more you get used to just signing up. If you get an error message, you fill in the required fields only to move on. I think that is what is happening. The people that miss this are used to the computer telling them what to do and they ignore what they think is unnecessary text (user terms).

They skim over the text to answer the questions because they may think it is either optional or just the standard legal text they have learned to ignore.

I'd be interested to see what all the newly approved members may have to say about their application process- especially the ones that left the ??'s blank.

Also, always remember that the new applicants do not know what flowerchat really is as they don't have full access.
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Thanks for checking that out Mocha!!!! I have been trying to understand the problem with people overlooking the questions.

I have started PM'ing the new applicants that don't answer the questions and reminding them that they need to do so. My thought is that the PM will at least generate an additional email letting them know that they have a message here. I don't know if it will help at all!?!?!
I guess if you read there won't be any issues. And like Amy I too have been PM'ing the people... with not one response. I mean, really, wouldn't you look at the blank questions you posted and try to rectify the situation?

I give up.

I see how these questions could be overlooked.

Thank you for checking this out Mocha.

I guess if you read there won't be any issues. And like Amy I too have been PM'ing the people... with not one response.

If I recall correctly one does not automatically get email notification of private messages so if they didn't go to the control panel and change their settings they would not know they had a message waiting until they returned to the site.
I guess if you read there won't be any issues. And like Amy I too have been PM'ing the people... with not one response. I mean, really, wouldn't you look at the blank questions you posted and try to rectify the situation?

I give up.


Don't you know that reading is a highly over rated act...When I tested it(see Nigella intro) I found that it was very easy to understand and read all the way to the bottom and did what it asked to do. I found no problems, but that is because I am a rule follower and a reader. I do things to complete not half assed and rushed....

I can see how it can be overlooked because it lets the user enter them blank maybe Ryan can chage that because it is getting to be quite the job....and very aggravating...What will happen is people will just start ignoring the new apps and the voting process will not happen...I know after a week like this I do give up for a few days and then go back to a bunch of new apps and start the process again when I have more patients for it without getting mean and snippy...
They may not get notifications of PM's... however, they DO get notifications of new posts in their thread. Not answering that speaks volumes to me. My patience is worn thin. If you can't follow simple requirements or at least acknowledge the mail you are receiving then no more of my time will be wasted.



Lori, I'd green you if I could. :)
They may not get notifications of PM's... however, they DO get notifications of new posts in their thread. Not answering that speaks volumes to me. My patience is worn thin. If you can't follow simple requirements or at least acknowledge the mail you are receiving then no more of my time will be wasted.



Lori, I'd green you if I could. :)

I do agree this is getting to be frustrating to everyone on the board. Are notifications of new posts in New Member Intros automatically emailed to the orginal poster? Other threads require you subscribe to them for that feature.
They are automatically informed. Do a test yourself Erlene. I retested under the name Basketcase. I'm still getting stuff sent and I've never posted beyond the intro.

I tested last week, and everything is working fine. I feel it's a simple confusion of the applicant, that they don't kow to click behind each ??? and enter their data.

We're looking at changing the wording above the questions.

Software update today...then we'll have a look.
They are automatically informed.

And that assumes they read their email regularly. I'm not disputing anything you say, Victoria.

I'm just saying there is a reason people don't answer the questions, it isn't intentional, deliberate or otherwise. Too many people don't answer for it to be any other reason.

Boss, I'm glad the questions are being looked at. Thanks for letting us know.

Time for me to go to work. And, I think to stop looking at new member intro threads.
Many people have an email account that they create for registering for sites that they do not check to avoid spam.

I don't think that the people who are missing this step are unintelligent or lazy. They are just a little confused by the process.

The other thing that I found confusing is when it posts, you are not directed to what you just posted- just an area of the site with limited access. You don't know that you just posted an intro to the 1000's of members here. If you don't regularly check the email you signed up with, you will not be getting the PM/ response alerts.

What if new members were directed to the New Member "How To"? Directly after filing out the app.

I just checked the email I used for the test account (my fake email that I use for sites and never check).

I received 2 emails from Flower Chat.

Thanks for registering at FlowerChat Community - by Strider Inc! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your time here. To make the most of your membership we encourage you to participate regularly by posting questions, answers and comments.
To introduce you to the FlowerChat community we suggest reading through the FlowerChat "How To" list found at:
You may also visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) here:
Finally, we want to encourage you to read a lot and post frequently! The members of FlowerChat come from all different backgrounds and our experience ranges from multi-generational florists to new business owners. We're all here to share ideas and learn from each other. There are no dumb questions!
Welcome to our Community!
FlowerChat Community - by Strider Inc team

and #2:

Was a "welcome to flower chat" email that said the same thing as above.

I DID NOT receive a link to my intro post, nor a notification that anyone had responded.

Some one could be playing by all the rules, but they still didn't know that this intro thread existed. There are several new members that have submitted 2 intros. Some have even copied and pasted the ??'s because they knew the answers were needed. However, people are still confused.
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I just checked the email I used for the test account (my fake email that I use for sites and never check).

I received 2 emails from Flower Chat.

Thanks for registering at FlowerChat Community - by Strider Inc! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your time here. To make the most of your membership we encourage you to participate regularly by posting questions, answers and comments.
To introduce you to the FlowerChat community we suggest reading through the FlowerChat "How To" list found at:
You may also visit the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) here:
Finally, we want to encourage you to read a lot and post frequently! The members of FlowerChat come from all different backgrounds and our experience ranges from multi-generational florists to new business owners. We're all here to share ideas and learn from each other. There are no dumb questions!
Welcome to our Community!
FlowerChat Community - by Strider Inc team

and #2:

Was a "welcome to flower chat" email that said the same thing as above.

I DID NOT receive a link to my intro post, nor a notification that anyone had responded.

Some one could be playing by all the rules, but they still didn't know that this intro thread existed. There are several new members that have submitted 2 intros. Some have even copied and pasted the ??'s because they knew the answers were needed. However, people are still confused.

Yes, I got the same email....Maybe it should mention in there to check their intro post and make sure they have answered the questions... I am sure Ryan is on it, there is supposed to be an update today. We shall see what happens...

Thanks, V, for the thought of a green dot....
As the resident newbie...I found it very confusing!! After I posted my intro (before questions were required to be answered) I did not see it anywhere. That was the most confusing thing...you weren't allowed full access to the site, but you didn't know if what you posted had worked. I remember sending an email to Ryan asking if I had done something wrong, because I couldn't find my post anywhere. The difference might be that I took the initative to send Ryan an email, where other people may say forget it.

I can totally see why the new people submit 2 or 3 intros, especially if they don't check their email (like Mocha said).

I don't pretend to understand the programming end of this, but if there could be a pop up that says "you have submitted your introduction successfully" or even a redirect that would take you to a page with the email information that Lori posted and a welcome note?!?! Dear FlowerChat Gods, could we please come up with a little something?!?!?:treadonme
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I think a lot of the applicants don't really know what FlowerChat is all about so they aren't taking the process seriously. I feel that some are just curious to see what the non-public section has to offer. I know, because I've done it myself! After posting my new member intro, I almost didn't come back (phew! I'm glad I did). So I think some are just going through the motions, not reading all the instructions, and filling out the minimum information thinking they'll gain automatic access. I said it before on another thread and someone said it here again, a lot of us go into auto pilot when it comes to the internet, if there isn't a prompt to tell us we did wrong we assume we did right.
Just a commentary that applies to me

My Gawd we spend (waste?) a lot of time on this new member stuff.

I'm close to just putting the new member forum on ignore.

I've tried being positive, negative, and helpful, but....I really should have better things to do with my time than try to play gatekeeper here.
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