Texting while driving.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2009
Granby/Washington DC
State / Prov
They are showing this on CNN today. It's kind of graphic and by golly it should be. I see all the time people texting while driving on 95. This is a English commercial geared towards teens in schools.

If you have teens, show them this.

OH MY! It is scary stuff - In our small community we had a 16 year old die last year - because she was texting and driving... Very SAD! :O(
A few weeks ago, 2 people died, they were hit by a 22 yr old girl driving and texting at the same time, she swirved across the whole road and hit 2 girls standing on the sidewalk, and killed them! This is 20 minutes from our store! This is a major problem everywhere and has to stop!

(it may have been her ipod, or texting not sure, but it's all the same, drive the frigin car people!)

Tom, that video is scary, and could happen to anyone!
The high school closest to us, Wren High School, has 3-4 students each year killed in auto accidents. I'd love for this to be shown to the students there, but am afraid that they would ignore (it couldn't happen to someone as cool as me) it as they've done with all of the other things that police, some parents, and school staff have tried. It is heartbreaking!
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