If you pay for a website with Teleflora ($50.00) per month, you pay $1.95 for each order received from the customer that comes directly to you site. If you recieve the order through the Teleflora.com site that you are charged $3.95 but you recieve the 9.95 service fee that they have collected, plus deliver and 100% of the price of the item.
If you do not pay for a website the only way to recieve a website order is through Teleflora.com. Teleflora keeps the service fee and charges the florist $3.95 to receive the order. Florist receives the order amount and delivery charge.
Definately an insentive for the florist to pay the $50.00 to have a paid site and advertise it.
Also, Teleflora websites are very customizable! Several templates to choose from, any personal information you wish to add, you can use al your own pics if desired, pop-up adds, coupon specials, contact forms cutomizable, Shop pics or employee pics, etc.. No additional fees for changes made and you can send in changes as often as you wish. I can't speak for others but they are always usually made with in 24 hours for us. Florist do have options they just don't utilize them!!
Just information, Don't attack!!
As many have said before they are not perfect but we see them as the lesser still of two evils, at least for the time being.
Knife's Wife