This happened to us also. In our area there is only one print that we could of been in. We opted to be in we were not. Called and they apologized up and down said we would be credited on our next statement and all was fine and dandy..... you would think right?
wrong! We were not credited. So we called again. This time we got no apology. In fact we were told there was no record of our first call, no record of our credit, but there WAS record of our bill for the ad and it showed their records showed we were in the ad. We argued we were not, they argued we were. They then tried the you are now calling too late for us to do anything, if you called us a month ago we could of thing, we did! We were supposed to get a credit on this statement which is not here and that is why we are calling now. Well we don't have a record of that phone call.
Went round and round and round for weeks was transferred from one person to the next and so on and had to explain the story so many times we were doing it in our sleeps. My mom and I took turns talking to people so we wouldn't end up saying something we would regret. (because both of us got to that point more than once) Finally we did get our credit but it took a long time and arguing to get there.
Wish your friend luck for me. Hope things go better for her than for us. Tell her to write everything down, time, date, who she talks to what was agreed to and tell her to keep a copy of the ads in case she needs to send them proof that she was not in them. (we had to do that)
By the way, we are opt OUT of ALL ads now!