Thanks Ryan

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FlowerChat Administrator
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
Just a note, of thanks, for providing "THE" best forum for OUR industry.

This board is fast becoming the best source for info, and straight talk about OUR issues....

I for one, would contribute to an ad fund, to promote this site to the masses...if your so inclined....

Again, THANKS !!

Thanks for the praise - means a lot coming from someone with as much experience as you in this kind of discussion.

As for advertising, I do have business cards that I distribute at conferences, meetings, etc. Some wholesalers, and TF support staff have been of much assistance in spreading the word, too.

The best form of advertising is word of mouth. Tell your friends, enemies, competitors ... I've mentioned before that every Dove message I send out has the following tag:

The Online Floral Community

In the near future I will be investigating trade magazine advertising. I have no idea, yet, as to the costs - but we'll go down that road soon.

Perhaps, when FTD and TF people read this message, they might consider offering unsold ad space in their respective magazines?
Could happen ...

Actually Ryan....

obviously, it costs YOU money to spend with this WILDLY successful chat site,and we're offering to try and help offset some of the costs involved...IF you'll have us!!
Of course, it MAY entail some sort of "partnership" in crime...
Maybe "mug shots" should be available on your site, as in actual participant photos instead of the "avatars"
Re: Actually Ryan....

Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
obviously, it costs YOU money to spend with this WILDLY successful chat site,and we're offering to try and help offset some of the costs involved...IF you'll have us!!
Of course, it MAY entail some sort of "partnership" in crime...
Maybe "mug shots" should be available on your site, as in actual participant photos instead of the "avatars"

Anyone can upload their own avatars ... It's in the User Control Panel. Now we've opened pandora's box .... ;)
Re: Actually Ryan....

Originally posted by Mikey the Flower Guy
obviously, it costs YOU money to spend with this WILDLY successful chat site,and we're offering to try and help offset some of the costs involved...IF you'll have us!!
Of course, it MAY entail some sort of "partnership" in crime...
Maybe "mug shots" should be available on your site, as in actual participant photos instead of the "avatars"

I'll keep the one I have...actually, its pretty close, to what I figure I'll look like by the time I get outa this biz....
Cool BBJ...are you short? :D
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