This is a weird one

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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2002
State / Prov
Please cancel the order I placed for delivery on Aug 29. FTD contacted me to let me know the order could not be delivered that day, but that it would be delivered Monday, as the shop may be closed on Sunday. I am greatly disappointed by the service, as this is not the first time I have had this problem using FTD/Mill. Floral. I certainly do not expect to see any type of charge to my credit card. The order was for Anna Gagne and was placed on Aug 29. I apologize for not having access to my FTD confirmation number. Thank you.

This was an email I received today. Weird thing is the "sender" is listed as "sales" and I've sent an email back to sales@ (doesn't come here) hmmmmmm I have no idea where this girl came up with this unless my "contact us" button is working on my website now. (I'll have to go check that out) but either way, if an order was sent through FTD, I never got it. There was a call from FTD (an 860 area code, CT?) apparently a home worker... but it was after hours on Saturday.
I have emailed the customer and asked her to call me to find out who she actually ordered through.
one interesting fact, I did a test email from my site contact us button, It worked this time... (thanks Jim or Ryan)... that solves that part..
Rhonda, I don't know about FTD, but with Teleflora a customer can order through TF but specifically request your shop to fill it. I had a customer call me about an order they placed on TF so I asked them how they got my name/number. So that may be why she thought she placed the order direct to you. I don't think the public understands that we are not a subsidiary of FTD/TF.

About the sales @ yourshop email: that is one of the email accounts that gets set up for you in GMail with a strider web site. Make sure you check your site configuration to see were your web orders are sent to. I just recently checked my sales @ Gmail account for the first time and found that that is where the order confirmations to the customer are sent from. But I've also had a web customer write to this email that I never check. I've asked for it to be combined with the florist @ account.
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She didn't call. Just got back online (auxiliary meetings - ugh) and haven't checked my email yet.
I do believe she ordered through FTD probably online or 800 and they know my system is off Saturday at 12:00 and they tried to call (once) but they didn't retry to send the order Monday.
BTW off time (not holiday times or pending funeral services) my computer is turned OFF when I'm not there. My reps do cringe when I tell them if they want to supply the computer free of charge, I'll let it run 24/7/365.....
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