this is it!!!

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bill schodowski

Active Member
Apr 28, 2003
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this week will be what you make of it. don't get pessimistic just because the holiday falls on a saturday. nothing you can do can make it fall on any other day this year...
concentrate on things you can change....attitudes...enthusiasm....super sales techniques.
too many people are just going through the motions in our industry. look at places that you go and spend money. more often then not...they are doing something that gets your attention. since i returned to the industry, i was fortunate enough to hook up with a company that oozes (is that a word?) enthusiasm. from the top down to the bottom. try it in your operation...enthusiasm is contagious.
also, when the customers start showing up this's okay to borrow from mcdonalds...
ask them if they want to "supersize" their roses...
ask them if they want some candy (fries) with their flowers (burgers)...
you might be pleasantly suprised with the outcome.
have a great week everyone!!!!
Thanks Bill... and YOU BE KEERECHT !

You have a good one too... we'll be talk'n
I have just processed my second shipment of flowers and am I pleased with the quality AND quantity of bunches.
Mini carns with 10 stems per bunch, heavy blooms...superb...
Spray roses out of this world perfect....Daisies with 10 - 12 buds n blooms......long side shoots...Unbelievable.
Now if I could just get some decent roses...
small town, can't afford quantities of 500 or more....
bad economic conditions...can't afford "standard weekly commitments".... BUT with walkin traffic today, I am encouraged for the rest of the week.
Thanks Bill.......chocolates? Squeezable bears? I Love You mylar?
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