I just happened on this article while searching the net.
Anyhow, it worries me. I'm surprised people feel it's ok to do this. I don't condone christians telling others they will go to hell (only He can judge) at the same time I don't feel it's right for a non-believer to be blatantly disrespectful either.
This part of the article really hit home:
"It's a stupid ad," he said. "How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong. If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."
I started thinking...isn't that so true...isn't that already happening???
Thoughts?? Not looking to get into a heated debate here just want to know others' thoughts on this.
Anyhow, it worries me. I'm surprised people feel it's ok to do this. I don't condone christians telling others they will go to hell (only He can judge) at the same time I don't feel it's right for a non-believer to be blatantly disrespectful either.
This part of the article really hit home:
"It's a stupid ad," he said. "How do we define 'good' if we don't believe in God? God in his word, the Bible, tells us what's good and bad and right and wrong. If we are each ourselves defining what's good, it's going to be a crazy world."
I started thinking...isn't that so true...isn't that already happening???
Thoughts?? Not looking to get into a heated debate here just want to know others' thoughts on this.