tozzie Intro


New Member
Sep 29, 2010
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My name is Lesa and I am new to the floral business...My husband and I own a florist and gift shop in Eminence MO...I am new at this and need all the help and tips I can possibly get..Our website is We are in the heart of the Ozarks...I could really use some help in funeral arrangements, and everything else for that matter...Or if someone could direct me to a helpful website that would be awesome....Thanks in advance for all of your help....

Welcome to flowerchat. Here you will find/get direct answers to every question you can possibly think of. I am a subscriber, as many others are. I would seriously consider becoming a pro member to get the most benefit from this forum. All of the experience you could possibly gather is right at your fingertips, it's truly an awesome place.

How long have you owned your shop? I took a peek at your website. Your building and interior are AWESOME! However, where are the flowers? Great giftware, btw.

Hi Linda,
The flowers are in a workroom in the back of the store....One huge cooler there and 1 in the store...There will be pictures of everything as soon as I get my **** together...My husband is a photographer...He has a studio in the loft of the store...His website is Our last name is Sees...Go figure....I really need some basic info, and would appreciate all the help I can get....
Thanks so much...
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Well, Lesa, just jump right on in, then.

It can take a bit to figure out where everything is on the forum, but I think you can post in chat and wire services. Just click on post new thread and ask away, there is always someone who can and will answer your questions.

I seriously dated a Lesa once.......and wondered where she had gotten to!! :)
Lesa, is that you??.......we cannot help you "decide" what you WANT to do, but, we can certainly help you decide on what NOT to do, from Hundreds of THOUSANDS of hours and years of experience...hope you decide to stay.
We've probably served up more advice and help, than McDonalds has hamburgers!...:)