Trinity Intro

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Mar 28, 2009
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KS it now mostly for holiday specials and are in the process of building inventory of stock pictures.
I have been a designer for 17 years with the last 4 in the manager position and was trained in store. I have a BA in art. I was referred by the owner of our shop. I hope to learn new ideas and find new and interesting resources and hope I can provide insight and ideas as well.
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You sound like you will be a valuable member here.

Who is the owner of your shop?

Welcome to Flower chat.
Carol Bice
Thanks for the warm welcome Carol. The owner is a flowerchatter and is staplesr.
Welcome and enjoy!
AIFD Sympsoium is in Kansas City this year!
Lou lynne Moss and Bill Harper AIFD are chairmen, go to visit for more information or call Lynne inPratt, Ks at the
Flower Shoppe!!!!!
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