Using Teleflora Images on my own site?

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New Member
Apr 15, 2009
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
State / Prov
I was always under the impression that I could only use the images on teleflora if I had their website.
I started looking at some other websites (Eric's, some other Media 99 websites) and I noticed some of them have used Teleflora images
Is this allowed? Or are you all just flying under the radar?

This has been my most major drawback of starting my own site is that I don't have space to take my own pictures

Please advise
You can use the TF images anywhere you like. All of us indie florist website providers include them with setup.

As a TF member you have the license to use the images in print and online.

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Always happy to help out a fellow Ontarian :) (Ontarioan? Ontarionan? V help me out!)

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Ryan, trust your gut, you were right the first time. :)

How about everybody beats Connecticutan, or, as I always shamelessly promote my love of animals -- Connecti-kitten!
Got all ya'll beat - Or rather, Mom does.......She grew up in Louisana.....depending on what side of the tracks in her town you lived on you were either a cajun or a coona$$
Got all ya'll beat - Or rather, Mom does.......She grew up in Louisana.....depending on what side of the tracks in her town you lived on you were either a cajun or a coona$$
That explains a line in Zandalee that stuck in my head ...
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