vase w/ no stems showing?

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Aug 9, 2005
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Could anyone help with this design problem?
Customer wants tall table arr. with roses, stock, wax, etc. in clear vase(that she is going to provide).Problem is she wants no stems in vase, wants me to put oasis in top and design in that and also doesn't want oasis to show, but doesn't want arr. to drape very long:( I think this is impossible request, please advise.

PS: She also wants me to discount arr because she is provding vase, do any of you have a policy for using their containers?
could you line the vase with silver mylar to give the illusion of no stems?

As for discounting the arrangment, we would charge her for all items used. Since she is providing the container that would be the only item she would not be charged for. We have customers bringing us containers frequently and this is our policy
Re: An ACCIDENT wanting to HAPPEN!

Looks to mee as if, your customer's WANTS far exceed your NEEDS!

As suggested, a mylar insert would prevent the flower stems from showing. However, oasis at the top with no added water would obviously lessen the flowers life span.

As to A DISCOUNT because she's providing the VASE?

That terminology is wrong and just explain to her that, the vase is part of your base cost as it applies to your final retail selling price. Since you do not have to CHARGE HER for YOUR VASE, you'll only be charging her for YOUR FLOWERS plus YOUR LABOR to PROFESSIONALLY ARRANGE THEM. And, your LABOR RATE is $50.00 per hour plus DA FLOWERS.

I make it a point to SOMETIMES SAY; I'm sorry, but I can't help you! (and then, WALK AWAY!)

And, only because DA SHOPPERS demand that, I DOO THE WRONG THING which always seems to result in A COMPLAINT!

Seems to mee that, we all have a lot of FLORAL EXPERTS out here, as of late, WHO DON'T HAVE A FREEKEN CLUE!

Then, and after THEY'VE CREATED THE DISASTER, they then have the nerve to TRY AND HOLD YOU RESPONSIBLE! (not!)

Have you considered filling the vase with white shredded styrofoam ? We use it all the time to hide the stems of roses.
Krisala this is job that is going to require the best of your artisitc and technical skills do not give her any discount. It is a custom job.

I feel you should get the vase now and work out how it is going to done, she of course will pay for your time and product the best surprise is no surprise.

We've done quite a lot of these for centerpieces for dinner parties, wedding receptions, etc. A lot of people want the centerpiece elevated to the top of a tall vase to get it above the line of vision of the people seated at the table. The vase sizes we use depend on occasion and customer preference but they've ranged from clear standard vases to our large 42" high trumpet bases and Eiffel Tower vases.

If it's a wide mouthed vase, use a 6'' clear tray for the arrangement. Line it with foil mylar to conceal the oasis. Tape or glue the oasis in for stability and build from there. It minimizes the need to bring much of the arrangement down for concealment.

Set the clear tray on top of the vase base. You can use white or clear sticky tape or glue to secure it to the base long enough for the event. I'd opt for the sticky tape if I were using the customer's vase.

The vase bases we do are almost always filled with water to add enough weight to give the top heavy arrangement a lower center of gravity. Depending on the customer's wishes, we sometimes add clear or colored marbles, fruit slices, tropical fish, or any number of other things in the water.

If you try to put the oasis directly in the top of the vase, as I think your customer envisions, you're going to have to bring the arrangement down lower to conceal it. And you'd better have it in foil that doesn't leak or it will turn your vase water green. That's why we prefer to stack the arrangement.

If it's a "show and go" affair that the customer wants it for, don't worry about the difference between oasis life and vase life. The oasis arrangements we do like this are usually as long lasting as any similar oasis arrangement done in a more conventional container.

If it's a "customer pickup", I'd recommend that you give the customer the vase and the arrangement separately and instruct them on how to put it together and set it up when they get there. That's how we deliver ours.

Hope this helps.
Vase without stems ....

If the top of the vase will hold an oasis holder of some type and then design as if it was a centrepiece then no stems will show. Tell her it will have to drape some to hide the couple of inches of oasis. Mylar will cover the oasis too. Or another possibility is if you can find a glass dish to sit right in the top part of the neck of the vase to hold the oasis .... sometimes you can find an inexpensive glass bowl at the local dollar store. Have you seen the vase for size?

We have a ton of people who bring in their own containers. Sometimes because it was the same baby pottery that the new mother or father received when they were born and the grandparents are passing it down. Sometimes it's because it was a special vase with some sentimental value. Whatever the reason ... we charge for the flowers, supplies and labour cost. They only save a few dollars but they are using their own dish. We have a ton of people who bring in re-dos for Christmas arrangements. They bring back the supplies and we start with new oasis and add the flowers using the same costing. I re-do one lady's hurricane arrangement that I remember doing for the first time and sending it to her almost 30 years ago. I usually just replace the ribbons and the candle and she loves the tradition. Same thing with the artificial stone saddle arrangements for tombstones. If you tell them to save everything and bring it back so it can be spruced up, they come in every year instead of just once every few years because they can afford it better. We do anything within reason for anybody.

Just make sure you get your labour in addition to the flowers.
Try a clear, 6" lome dish, works great and hols enough water to keep fresh. It might be necessary to cover the lome with foliage, depending on how high the vase is. If it is taller than a foot and a half than I would cover. DO NOT give them a discount. You've already spent extra time and energy researching this project and if your customer knew how to do this, they wouldn't have needed you in the first place. The price of a container has NOTHING to do with the price of the arrangement, design, flowers, and labor. So, if she has her own container that is just one less thing you would charge her for. I would start these designs at no less than $75 each. Tell her that is the minimum and that is what it would take to make the right statement. In reality, there is alot more labor involved in this type of design. Go up a bit on the labor at the very least.
We rent our containers and use this design w/ no stems showing all the time. Good luck and don't sell yourself, talent, expertise, creativity, etc. short.
Let me say this one more time, DON'T give them any discount. If you went to the grocery store and told them you had your own fridge so you wanted a discount on produce, they would look at you like you were insane.
WHY do so many people think they desreve a discount when it comes to purchasing flowers. What have we done wrong in this industry that people think they are entitled to free services? Beats me! It's time to change and educate people when it comes to buying flowers (not flowers stuck in a vase). Here's your chance!!! Good luck.
P.M. me if you want
Lot's of good suggestions...

As to the "discount" anytime a customer wants me to use their container I quote a price that is $5.00 less than normal.... 5 bucks generally is all a utility container is worth :)
I think ....

that the word discount was not necessairly what she meant. It was probably to take off the price of the vase. What you charge for labour and the flowers is your own business.
I do these a lot because I like the look of them... and they sell. I pretty much use hc's tips.

We often do arrangments in containers brought in by customer. We charge for materials used etc.

Customer's Container

This does not answer the first question, just my thought on customers bringing in their own container.

To me that spells TRAFIC.

We should do everything possible to get customers into our store.

Has anyone ever encouraged customers to RECYCLE containers by bring them into the store and giving them a credit slip towards their next purchase?

Tom, We have been giving 1 rose per vase or ceramic, in good condition. It's been just word of mouth at this point. So after they have those garage sales and do not sell those vases that everyone has themselves, folks can bring them in, 10 vases 10 roses, 20 for 20 roses. No greens/BB.

It's given us some nice-different looks for arr's., and also a couple of crystal vases-retail about $20. Word is getting out.
Again we are lucky ....

because we are in a small community. Every fall and every Spring when people do their thorough house cleaning they dig out all their vases and floral dishes and we get box loads given to us. No money asked for .... just happy to get rid of them and have some space in the cupboards. We usually give people a little bouquet of flowers. We cull the bad ones and hit the dishwasher with the rest and voila! we reuse the vases. Last spring the local nursing home sent down over 300 rose sized vases for us to use.
I miss working in a small community.

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