vengen Intro


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
State / Prov
North Carolina

I have been a desginer for 30 years, starting in high school. I have been with my current employer, a new florist for 3 1/2 months. I studied floral design in high school and earned an associates degree in ornamental horticulture. I have worked in Dallas, TX, Mt. Pleasant SC, Wake Forest, and Raleigh NC.
I also do some freelance desigen for friends and referrals. I was invited by flower chat to join. i hope to increase my knowledge by exchanging ideas, and learning from other members. Havinhg worked n a variety of markets, and back in the 'dark ages' before internet, I hope I have good ideas and observations to share. I am in a commercial setting, but free lance from my home.
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Darn, I was hoping from your web URL to see a really groovy indy web site...I mean the name lends itself to a slew of ideas...

Welcome to the FlowerChat community!

Darn, I was hoping from your web URL to see a really groovy indy web site...I mean the name lends itself to a slew of ideas...

Welcome to the FlowerChat community!

Hazards of doing HTML in MS Word :)

Still, given the Web loyalty thing, it's likely better than having an FOL site at the moment.
