We're Alive!

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Staff member
Oct 31, 2002
State / Prov
At 9:00 AM EST we threw the big switch - actually, we hit a button on our screen, but it's less dramatic - and here we are!

Welcome to everyone - I'm excited by the number of new members we have already. I hope everyone settles in nicely and I look forward to reading your contributions.

Jason, the expert design wizard, is throwing the finishing touches on our custom FlowerChat "style" for the board. It should be unveiled any day now. Jason is emerging as one of the 'net top new designers - you can visit his site at www.nxdesigns.com.
Originally posted by Infinite
Jason, the expert design wizard, is throwing the finishing touches on our custom FlowerChat "style" for the board. It should be unveiled any day now. Jason is emerging as one of the 'net top new designers - you can visit his site at www.nxdesigns.com.

Thanks for the flowers. :)

I am finished with the style, I hope you guys/gals like it. :)

Any questions/feedback : [email protected]
If you need my services: [email protected]
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