Overall, I was pretty satisfied that the orders we did fill we made our money and avoided unnecessary headaches unlike last year where we lost money big time filing any and everything.
1 merc order in from a Real Florist - refused two OG who tried to get it called in by headquarters - 2 phone orders from Real Florists...other than that absolutely Zip/Zero on WS in for the holiday.
I didn't vote because none of the options listed really applied. I did allow my wire service to remain on but was very vigilante in watching the money and details of the orders. Sent ask's for all undervalued orders and rejected time specific orders, orders with incomplete information or addresses, missing telephone numbers and so on completely. What I did notice is that after awhile there were less undervalued and problematic orders coming through. We stayed away from codified's this year and that really seem to help. Overall, I was pretty satisfied that the orders we did fill we made our money and avoided unnecessary headaches unlike last year where we lost money big time filing any and everything.
Need a "no affect/effect" answer on the post...For me, it was not an issue!
I voted for #2, but it did not really apply. Incoming was not an issue, but we had major problems with the outgoing. I had to work the checkout box (MAS tech) from home for a few hours, since every order was forwarded 3x by the system before being rejected by someone 100 miles away from the recipient.
FTD cost us money and time with the failure of their primary service. If they cannot get orders from point A to point B reliably, all other services are pointless.
Valentine's Day and $ERVICE is for our 100% SALE CUSTOMERS ONLY and it will be a cold day in hell before I allow any of them to get in between MEE and the needs of our customers.
I voted for #2, but it did not really apply. Incoming was not an issue, but we had major problems with the outgoing. I had to work the checkout box (MAS tech) from home for a few hours, since every order was forwarded 3x by the system before being rejected by someone 100 miles away from the recipient.
FTD cost us money and time with the failure of their primary service. If they cannot get orders from point A to point B reliably, all other services are pointless.