What is wrong with this picture??

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Jan 19, 2005
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A fellow florist in an adjoining town called to see if I got an order for
a $90 dish garden--no. He told me that TF called him but he doesn't deliver here--they had called one of my competitors for a $90 dish garden--lady said they didn't have one but had a $35 dish garden that could upgrade to a $90. Any ideas as to what she could do to make it look $90??
wow, that's a whole lotta 'dish' to add to a garden.
Were there any cut flowers included in the original order? or maybe she put the small dish garden into a bigger container and added more plants to make it a really big dish garden.
Why didn't they call you?
We usually mix diamonds in with the soil for upgrades like this.

Do 'em all the time.
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We usually mix diamonds in with the soil for upgrades like this.

Do 'em all the time.

don't laugh at that one, I lost my engagement diamond in a planter box in 1984. Someone had a gem at the cemetery :purpletea
Sorry, but there is NO WAY to upgrade a DG from $35.00 to $90.00 but you all already know that...

I can't imagine what the florist sent, but if I was the customer I'd be PO'd to no end.

Complaint waiting to happen!
Wow, Genie, I am just laughing at what a $35 dish garden upgeaded to $90 would look like

lol me too! I picture this little dinky thing loaded down with crap, I mean er, ah, lovely birds, butterflies, sticks, silks, and a super fluffy huge bow made of that really expensive ribbon that sits there and hardly gets used cause it's like $15 a yard.
ok, before judgement is passed, I just went to a local shop here, and they had a 10 in ceramic planter ya know that blue and white thing, and it was priced 39.99. and they added a fabric bow to it, now up 5.00 more, and so they added flowers to it, well when it looked more than gawdy but, it was to value, also I didn't see the size on the dg thing here,,,,So maybe in there area ya can get a dish garden that is nice, for 25.00 but in other shops that would be a 4 in basket...who knows...
So what I would have done is fed 3x the darn thing and been done with it, but that is Me,
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