What would you design???


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2009
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I have a wonderful customer. Every Valentine's Day, Mother's Day and Birthday, he gives his wife AND HIS MOTHER a dozen roses AND a dozen Oriental lilies (two arrangements each).

I asked him what his needs will be this Valentine's Day (so I could anticipate and get the product at a good price), and I got this email from him:

"Lets do a special arrangement for each this year. I will allot a budget of $250 per person or $500 for the total project. Please feel free to be creative and present 2 or 3 ideas. Good luck and thanks ;-)"

So given this marvelous open-ended opportunity, what would you design for him?
Hi Annette,

Well, it may not be as open-ended as he makes it sound. If he thinks special would be way more than the lilies and roses, he is expecting something very full, elegant, and large. I honestly would mix the lilies and roses in a really top notch vase, and then add in some other higher end but long-lasting flowers like mini green hydrangea deeper in, and a dramatic filler like ginestra and perhaps some really long pussy willows or curly willow to emphasize the drama.

Have fun!
I agree with Linda here...He is used to the roses and lilies, bith of which are very stately looking, to make something super artsy and sparse might make him feel like he got taken and you could lose him..I would contact him again and have a chat about what creative means to him and explain the types of things available...ask him if he is expecting similar bt with a creative twist or if he got some sort of input from the gals saying they wanted something different and what they said..You can glean way more insight into what the customer is expecting from talking with them for a few minutes, he will appreciate your concern for his flower order and will be impressed to know how many different styles there are to choose from...many people just don't realize what can be done with flowers, because we tend to play it safe, because we lack salesmanship and selling with our words...we sell pretty mixed vases and baskets because that is easy to offer the phone customer, because we feel they wouldn't understand the other stuff....but in reality the other stuff is what sells the higher priced arrangements simply because they get excited not knowing what these techniques are and what they will get in the end...so talk with your customers and try a few approaches to selling and see where you get...try it with this guy...don't try to be a mind reader, it never works out very good when the customer has some [reconceived notions of what the size or volume should be and you don't deliver...