who is canadasflorists.com???

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New Member
Oct 31, 2002
dunnville ontario canada
State / Prov
got a call yseterday from galaxy florist saying they had faxed order to us.. got the fax. looked at it, says both names so i went to their webiste find the arrangement and they gave me $49.17 +5.00 for delivery .on their site arr is listed at 59.99 before delivery. know the customer its going to and delivery out there is 9.00. Then i look and see for my area both shops are listed but they never asked me about it. also gave me a credit card number to use for the order.. Does anyone know anything about them
oh yeah b.t.w. call on phone display said innovative technologies..
would appreciate some feed back
hmmmm.. another distrubing revelation about these guys!!! Joanne, like they says on Street Cents; "It's fit for the pit". I bet it'll be "the filling florists' fault"...................

Alex does NOT have a legitimate "florist" enterprise!! Fill if you wish, but, MY encounter with this order stealer proved me right....NO THANKS!!
Joanne, I also been getting orders from them. I have decided that I am filling hte order with NO DISCOUNT. I am charging them on the credit card the gst and pst.
I also have the customer information who ordered it and I e-mail them about what they are doing. Next time the customers need the order here, she is dealing directly with me.
Steel the order back from them.

I called the customer and asked her what she was charged for this order. she checked and said 75.90. i said well i got 43.17 +5.00 and taxes. She said she is using them because ftd.com doesnt show a florist for this area?????????? I said it has to as i am a member.. not for long now... sure enough i checked into ftd.com and lo and behold it says no florist serving this area...so anyways she has my 800 # now and is going to use that , but i wanna know WHY FTD SAYS NO FLORIST IN THIS AREA!!!!!!! Joanne:mad:

Originally posted by joanne
She said she is using them because ftd.com doesnt show a florist for this area?????????? I said it has to as i am a member.. not for long now... sure enough i checked into ftd.com and lo and behold it says no florist serving this area...so anyways she has my 800 # now and is going to use that , but i wanna know WHY FTD SAYS NO FLORIST IN THIS AREA!!!!!!! Joanne:mad:

Joanne.........It's because you don't pay FTD the big bucks for one of their web sites, as if our dues aren't enough. At least Teleflora lists all it's members with phone numbers!
sAME HERE Joanne, If you do a search for Elliot lake , I am not there but I still get their orders.
Did the customer realize she got riped off......
Slowly we will gain those customers to be 100% cash
I've seen on FTD.COM shops listed without a FTD website, there is just a listing e.g. ABC Florist 1234 Main Street Anytown Country etc with a phone number, and also has the FTD code number buried in it. They must not be listing all the shops however.
Joanne....I found it as well....

BUT, you gots another customer from the order stealers!! good for you, and REAL BAD for FTD.COM
BBJ - check again

Joanne.........It's because you don't pay FTD the big bucks for one of their web sites, as if our dues aren't enough. At least Teleflora lists all it's members with phone numbers!

Unless you buy a web site from Teleflora - they will list your shop but the phone number goes to THEM - something I call a bit "hinky" to say te least - they're using your shop name but getting between you and the person trying to find you.

Not true. The other shop in our town does not have a Teleflora site and it does list their correct local number. Not to Teleflora.
I do not have a site with FTD and if you search for 04462 zip, it states no florist found BUT there may be a florist there. Please go to FTD.Com to order.
Haven't checked in the last 5 minutes, but that was the way it always was. No site, no link with FTD
OH MY GOODNESS...I lied. They actually do have a link!!
Although the other shop isn't in current directory. Hmm will have to go to the other board LOL
I am very humble :)
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